Renogy inverter help!

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2015
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So recently as in the past few days, the inverter has been beeping, and the light that says overheating/low voltage has been lit up. Its not constant, but it will do it at random times, today has been doing it too much, haven't been able to plug the ridge in, the batteries have plenty of juice... two 6 volt golf carts, and i have 300w of solar feeding them along with the adventurer charge controller. When I turn on the inverter it just does the high pitch beep.. I checked all my connections, everything looks good and secure... any thoughts on what I could be missing or what could be wrong?? 

Thanks a ton in advance.
What's the voltage of the bank? The inverter could be telling you that there is a issue there.
Check all connections and fuses. Manually, not just visually. If it looks tight, tug on it. Especially the ground.

Check voltages at different connections.
some inverters have a low voltage alarm and an over voltage alarm. what is the voltage of your bank when the alarm sounds? highdesertranger
If the wire is too small, the voltage at the inverter can drop excessively under load.
Check all the connections with a voltmeter, if it has enough voltage, replace the inverter. Many of them are cheap crap anyway. They are by far the least reliable of any of my solar components --unless you spend the money to by a good one.
Hey, sorry for late reply, we haven't had much time with Internet.. But it turns out I suck at checking connections, because I had someone take a look at it, and it was nothing more than a connection that wasn't very tight.. Lol but thanks a ton for all the replies!
yep, loose connections will get you every time. happens to me every once in a while. glad you got it fixed. highdesertranger