Ren faire

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2019
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Whidbey Isand WA
I just went to my first Ren Faire and it was a blast. I never knew so many of my fuddy duddy neighbors had such wild imaginations. Does anyone else go to these?
I have been to a couple of the smaller ones as just a walk-thru visitor, but many decades ago I used to go to a local park once a month where they held SCA events such as mock jousting, mock swordfights, etc, plus feasts, celtic music, dances, etc.

It was fun to just observe all the fun and frivolity.

I knew a guy who made his own chain mail suit by hand, one small ring of metal at a time, using thousands of 1 inch pieces cut from metal clothes hangers, then bent into loops and hooked or 'stitched' together, one by one.

Lots of the guys were wearing simulated, home-made armor, carrying huge (but not real) broadswords, medieval morningstars (spiked metal fighting balls) and various DIY simulated weaponry.

The gal I was usually hanging out with (not a G/F, just friends) was quite the 'fair maiden'...visually enchanting in her own chosen style of very colorful and flattering attire.

Of course, I moved on and in different directions but it was fun for a short time.

Turns out, SCA is still a 'thing' after all these decades:

Who knew?
Well... Yes. Besides casual visits, I spent at least 18 long, full weekends a year in and around a large Ren faire for five or so years. My daughter was an under-aged performer there. Because of that, I was granted full credentials, with access to the back lot and Keep.

During two of those years, I worked as a costumed employee in a booth during the 7 week run to help pay for gas and be readily available to my child if needed. Sometimes during the other 8 weeks, I worked off-site doing in-store promotions in nearby towns while she attended very intensive, ten hour workshops.

There were other, lesser faires, too, as well as another major, and many off-season events and specialty training sessions.

There is a tremendous amount of talent and work that goes into these things! Like circuses, the back lot often functions (and, sometimes, dis-functions) as a self-contained community. Many travel "the circuit" around the country.

Sigh... I am glad you enjoyed the outing! Faires can be such fun!

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