Read this and give me your thoughts!!

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It obviously depends on the alternatives. What are they?
alternative would be take it to a jury trial....

keep this in mind.
the day the person was infected they were flown out to another hospital to receive a Quad by-pass heart surgery....within 90 of that surgery the HVC set in harshly this persons systems started shutting not only was he infected, but basically they were kicked why they were down!....and immediately went into chemical therapy to fight the virus for 6 months.......he has kids...a wife....they lost there home and almost everything they owned over it!

the sad part is he is the reason they discovered what was going on.....and they even tried to bill him for the treatment!!....and when they were found at fault never had the decency to say I'm sorry this occurred.
It kind of depends on how they are living now. Can they wait, the trial could take years. Can they ask for more and not go to trial? I was all set to say take the money before I realized it was a family who lost their home. A home in some areas costs more than half a mil.
Ufff!! Ugly scenarios!!

I hope that can hold out long enough to take this facility for all they're worth!

Now...I'm not one to go sueing someone over a petty scratch or something...but this is outta hand, and they need to be compensated for it!! goes back to mediation in july he deserves more than they he said " put his life back the way it was before it happened "
I try not to read the Huff post.

I was overdosed by a tech when I received a allergy shot last year. I was lucky to get to the ER before my airway totally shut down. The tech called my the next day, told me she gave me a dose 10 times too high, and apologized.

It happens. I did not sue because it was a mistake and I am sure she will never give a does again without double checking it with another nurse (the proper procedure).
Exeter is local to me, so I've heard a lot about this. Not the specific case, but regarding a few dozen who were infected.

If I was infected at a hospital with an incurable disease which would shorten my lifespan and require dependence on maintenance meds for the rest of my life, I'd be looking for a lot more than $500k. That sounds like more like a "shut up and go away" offer they were hoping someone would jump at, not actual recompense for what went down. That payment offer probably also came with a gag order in the fine print.

Buddy of mine contracted MRSA during a stay at a local hospital and will not be paying the bill for his extended stay. The day they come after him for payment is the day he files a lawsuit...
My mother was exposed to hepatitis c in Las Vegas. The medical facility is closed, they were reusing needles to save money since they didn't get paid much for Medicare patients. I think this lab tech should get several years in prison for what he has done and never be allowed to work in any medical facility ever again! We trust our very lives to these people. Hepatitis c is something you don't get rid of you have to live with it!