Question - can an asthmatic person live this lifestyle?

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Dec 23, 2016
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Apologies in advance if posting in the wrong spot - I didn't see a 'health concerns' area (or I just missed it).
Kind admins - please move as required.
 I do so want to embrace this lifestyle - which resonates on so many levels for me!

I’m sincerely trying NOT to use this as an excuse- but I have honest concern/trepidation about the respiratory quality that I would experience as a lifelong asthmatic (asthmatic bronchitis at age 6 month old, then asthma onward)(with some allergy issues).

I generally manage it successfully, & don’t allow it (asthma) to dictate my life course, but I am not chasing down opportunities to aggravate it, either.

My research indicates that the general desert/Southwest area is not good for respiratory conditions (that there are even molds/fungi concerns, per some websites medical practices specializing in pulmonary/respiratory concerns).

I’m honestly getting a bit depressed/sad in that it seems that most full timers spend summer in the trees/green/waters environments (state/federal parks), then migrate to the desert for winter (dust/mold/fungi) - & I need good insights to either assuage or confirm my concerns, as I don't have enough good information figuring this out on my own.

Given your experiences at RTR, spending winters on BLM lands, etc.– how do you think that someone with dust-triggered respiratory issues could do in the area for winter?

Are there viable alternatives (there, elsewhere?) that could work for me?

How can I make this lifestyle work for me?
Hoping to join your lovely tribe (& be a blessing not a burden)

Thanks & blessings extended in appreciation!

Like you, I have some pretty wicked asthma, enough that we moved back from Florida to Illinois because of the never ending mold and no killing frost for all the pollens.

Are you well controlled on your meds? Do you feel it when it's starting to be triggered? If so, with proper prep, you should be able to handle being out in nature. I do well in the Southwest and not well in more fecund areas, so we try to stay where it's drier. Another concession we made when we had our rv was to have a hepa filter set up inside, if I could feel it start to trigger, I clicked it on for the rest of the day.

Best part about being mobile, if the climate/allergens/temps/neighbors aren't to your liking, you just roll on down the road.
The dust could get to you but its usually only really bad when vehicles kick it up. I have met 2 people with asthma out here in desert so far and they appear to manage ok, i think cigs bothered them worse than dust

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I think you are wise to be concerned. You may want to research "Valley Fever" which is an airborn fungus that is fairly common across the desert southwest and worst here in Arizona. It's not common, but neither is it rare for people to get it.
Topical subject around here. Several recent deaths from a phenomenon known as Thunderstorm Asthma. As a seasonal asthmatic myself, I have done a fair bit of research on what works for me. If I enact the recommended protocols as the first attacks signal the concerning conditions are present, I will not have another attack in that season. As is often the case, prevention works for me, so regular medication in low doses is what works for me. I guess I am doing no more than suggesting a relationship with a specialist leading to a prevention plan that works for you, is the thing that should work to allow you to stick with the lifestyle.