Quartzsite LTVA Fee Hike

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Jan 23, 2021
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The proposed fee hike at the LTVAs in Arizona I think is going to be very detrimental to the Quartzsite community as well as the campers that look forward to using the La Posa LTVA. Many of the users of the LTVA have minimum incomes and the LTVA has provided a community experience as well as providing a safe and affordable place to stay. Giving many, who may otherwise be homeless, a home for seven months. I feel it will be a cruel blow to many. The fee hikes of $600 and $200 is far too much IMO.

Below is an extract from the BLM LTVS business plan...
This business plan outlines proposed changes to the current recreation fee program for the LongTerm Visitor Areas (LTVAs) located in Arizona. The Business Plan proposes to increase currentfees from $180 to $600 per long-term permit, and from $40 to $200 per short-term permit. Itwould also modify the short-term permit length from 14 days to 30 days.This business plan was prepared pursuant to the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act(FLREA) of 2004 (16 United States Code (U.S.C.) 6801-6814), and the Bureau of LandManagement (BLM) recreation fee program policy.A 45-day comment period will be held from September 6-October 21, 2024. During that timepublic meetings and information sessions will be held online and in the various LTVA locationsto present information about the proposed fee increases. Comments regarding the proposed feemodification can be sent to: BLM Yuma Field Office 7341 E 30th St Ste A Yuma AZ 85365.

https://www.blm.gov/sites/default/f... Areas Draft Business Plan_September 2024.pdf

-Winnie Nomad
How hard is it in the US to come up with 100$/month to stay for 6 months = 600$ total?

There are 22 million millionaires in the US and there are a million ways in the US to beg for money with and/or without the internet.

One only needs to beg a hundred thousand of those 22 million millionaires to gift your begging 10 measly bux and you can become one of them!

I can get 100$ /month walking up & down the road getting exercise and picking up cash bottle & can returnables; and so can any able bodied person figure out away to amass the egregiously filthy rich amount of 100$/month.

Not able bodied? Refer back to paragraphs 2 & 3 of this post.

I know it’s exceedingly difficult for most Murahkans with their sense of entitlement and first world problems but come on try and lose ur “poor needy victim complex”.

If it was just me, I’d bump it up to a thousand or even 1200$ for 6 months.
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