Poison Ivy

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T.he I.nvisible M.an

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2015
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Ok so ...

I was installing a Vinyl Fence last week and had to tear down the old wooden fence (which had all kinds plants growing on it and under it). I know I should have worn a long sleeve shirt and probably gloves while removing the old fence (and plants). I am aware of a cream you can put on to block Poison Ivy. I know to wash off immediately to minimize skin damage if you are exposed to Urushiol (poison ivy sap).

So obviously I ignored all my previous experience and training ... lol.

I am aware of some of the standard treatments (Creams with Cortisone or Benadryl or Calamine). I tried the Benadryl Spray (forget that one as it burns going on and is "sticky" after that)

I am getting the best result so far with Neosporin Plus.

I am looking for input and suggestions on how to get rid of my poison ivy rash a.s.a.p. ... :)



(I know forum readers like pictures but I don't think anyone wants to see a nice, raging poison ivy rash lol )
I'd be Googling for "poison ivy treatment" and similar. Never suffered it myself.   Been real lucky. Bathing the area with oatmeal is one indicated home remedy.
there is a new cream available at CVS that you put on after you contact poison ivy. It turns it around in about 24 hours....almost like a miracle. However the miracle costs $40 per tube. I had a friend use it a couple weeks ago and said the tube should last her 2 or 3 outbreaks. I do not know the name of the product but if you ask the pharmacist for "new" poison ivy cream they should be able to direct you right to it! Good luck!
Head for the work shop or the hardware store and get some pure Terpentine for treatment. Make sure it's turpentine not paint thinner.

Seriously, I suffered a really bad case of poison ivy years ago and had one of everything from the pharmacy by the time I gave up on the druggist. A friend told me of an old country doctors remedy and I was desperate enough to try it.

It worked like a charm. All the weeping was dried up within 48 hours and of course it quit spreading.

Put it on with a disposable cloth. At first it feels icy cold but then after a few minutes it starts to warm up. If it gets too hot to be comfortable, gently wipe a wet disposable cloth over it. If you can stand it, just leave it on. Repeat 3 or 4 times a day. I used blue shop clothes, the ones that come in a roll. That way they just went in the trash.

Do not put any creams on top of it.

Yes, I smelled like eau de terps for a few days but man it stopped it dead in it's tracks and it was spreading really fast to all kinds of parts that we don't want poison ivy on... :rolleyes:

Oh, yea and wash all those clothes you were wearing separately from the rest of the laundry in as hot a water as you can get. If you've already tossed them in with other clothes, handle them with the contaminated clothing.
Salt water. Dries out the blisters.
I heard that if you gather a lot of poison ivy leaves, run them thru a blender or food processor, put the juice into a squirt bottle, then you can play a lot of pranks with it. Toilet seats, door handles, silver ware, etc. Only on deserving people of course, like jihadi fighters, politicians, ex-spouses. Lol For daydreaming only!
Iggy said:
I heard that if you gather a lot of poison ivy leaves, run them thru a blender or food processor, put the juice into a squirt bottle, then you can play a lot of pranks with it. Toilet seats, door handles, silver ware, etc. Only on deserving people of course, like jihadi fighters, politicians, ex-spouses. Lol For daydreaming only!

All you need is someone who is a hypersensitive victim or you accidentally breath in the mist while spraying. If you or the victim just happen to be unlucky and extremely allergic to poison ivy either of you could be faced with Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Not a pretty picture (especially if it sends someone to the hospital or god forbid someone were to die).


And burning ANY poison ivy, oak or sumac is definitely a no no. (I would guess that accidentally breathing in any mist while running through a blender or squirting from a bottle might be fatal). Eating Poison Ivy by accident or otherwise can also be fatal. (did you forget to thoroughly clean the blender or "food" processor?)

hmm ...

well I am lucky because I am immune to the stuff. except for sumac. I don't know about sumac because I have never been exposed. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
well I am lucky because I am immune to the stuff.  except for sumac.  I don't know about sumac because I have never been exposed.  highdesertranger

That can change.  Many years ago, I knew a boy scout leader that was immune.  He would go into campgrounds and pull up all the poison plants before the troop showed up.  He did it one time too many and was covered in blisters.  I had the opposite happen. As a child, I could look at poison ivy and breakout.  Now, if I wash after touching it I don't breakout. The few out breaks I've had I used hot water to relief the itch.


"A hot bath or shower often produces relief in that heat releases histamine, the substance in the skin that causes intense itching. Therefore, a hot shower will cause intense itching as the histamine is being released. The heat should be gradually increased to the maximum tolerable and continued until the itching subsides. This process will deplete the cells of histamine, and the patient will obtain up to 8 hours of relief from itching."

Some strange remedies.

I guess I'm immune, too. Many years ago my husband and I cleared some brush around our cabin and he broke out in a terrible rash from poison ivy while I did not even though I was equally exposed [we didn't recognize it].
I remember the old adage, "Leaves of three, leave them be!"
I just got in from clearing some tall weeds from near my garage, and they have the "leaves of three".  But having checked on Google and Wiki earlier, they don't really match the Poison Ivy or other 'poison' plants.  So I pulled them up, pretty easily as they have shallow roots.  Thought I felt a slight burn on an exposed arm, but now having rinsed off and waited some time, no effect is evident.
Had a co-worker a few years back who was clearing brush, and a bunch of stuff fell on her.  Oh crap.....  Poison Ivy!  She was in some serious suffering for a couple weeks!  :blush:
I also know to be very careful when burning weeds and underbrush - DO NOT breath the smoke!  Other plants can cause problems too.
These particular weeds hadn't been that bad prior years, but this year they went ballistic, and all over town too!  I need to identify them and see how to control them better.  Glad they ain't poisonous.   :cool:
Salt water. Dries out the blisters.
I used Epson Salt or got in the ocean or gulf with great results then used a Cortisone or Calamine lotion....Benadryl for itching while sleeping.
I second that:
"A hot bath or shower often produces relief in that heat releases histamine, the substance in the skin that causes intense itching. Therefore, a hot shower will cause intense itching as the histamine is being released. The heat should be gradually increased to the maximum tolerable and continued until the itching subsides. This process will deplete the cells of histamine, and the patient will obtain up to 8 hours of relief from itching."

It's like a miracle when you are so desperate for relieve, except it doesn't have to be a shower, you can run the water on the affected area only, it works as well. The hotter the water the better.

Then use Dawm dish washer detergent to wash off the ivy oil. It's stops it from spreading and it dries out the affected area.

Every time we think that we might have been exposed to poison ivy we take a shower using Dawn detergent immediately so it removes the oil before it starts its damage.

Good luck

This likely won't help you after the fact (once the Poison Ivy's oil has already absorbed into your skin) BUT if you ever touch it again and realize it quickly enough, wash the area ASAP with Dawn Dish Detergent. Dawn works magic in removing oils of all kinds and it's the oil from the poison ivy plant that absorbs into your skin and causes the reaction. Generally you have up to 30 minutes to wash it off, but the sooner the better. I use Dawn for scouring the greasy lanolin out of freshly shorn sheep fleeces but have also used it on ones that have been stored for quite a while, where the lanolin has become almost hardened. It's very effective on breaking down grease and oils. Finally, be as careful as you can in also washing off anything that gets contaminated secondarily in the course of getting to your bottle of Joy, turning on water, etc., just in case of transference.
No one is immune. It's a plant oil. If you sweat a lot you might wash it out of your skin before you get it. Or if you wash your hands. Or if you coat your hands to protect them. A real coin flip of a chance to get it.
I don't know about what you call it, but I have been exposed many time in my life and have never broken out. last time was a couple of weeks ago, come to think of it I was sweating. highdesertranger
I think the worst is over ... lol ... ARGH! (there goes that itching again) seriously though ...

My right arm is almost completely clear.

My left arm today the skin in the main "patch" on my forearm (about 6" x 3") started flaking off. It is still a little red around the perimeter. I have mostly been using Neosporin to make sure there were no infections.

On Sunday while working (shopping for a client) My left arm began to swell a little. In the evening I purchased some Benadryl and took two pills per instructions (then I was out like light).

Monday was better but worked crazy hours (finished at 1am) and took more Benadryl that night/morning.

Tuesday took the whole day off. I turned off the phone (which rings constantly). Took Benadryl every 4 to 8 hours and pretty much slept all day and until Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, (yesterday) as it now early Thursday here, got up early, was well rested and no sign of swelling.

I did notice that I have a few newer spots (very very small on my left side near my belt line). so this is either delayed reaction or I have some contamination somewhere (hopefully not in my bedroll ... lol ... 0.o). So tomorrow it looks like laundry time at some point (just to make sure).

It's been a few years since my last Poison Ivy encounter (I was building a 2ft to 3ft crib wall about 75 ft long and again clearing plants). This time has been by far the worst.

I saw this product Tecnu original http://www.teclabsinc.com/products/poison-oak-ivy/tecnu/ and this product Tecnu Extreme http://www.teclabsinc.com/products/poison-oak-ivy/tecnu-extreme/ along with tips from the same company http://www.teclabsinc.com/blog/2012/3/9/five-ways-to-avoid-poison-ivy-and-oak-rash/ which all look like promising product and good advice.

Now I just need to make a few purchases and put some prevention or first response cleansers in my tool box. I also will use long sleeve shirts and or long sleeve gloves next time I feel the urge to start yanking out plants by the roots or chopping the same down to make way for an installation.  :p

The product my friend used was Zanfel. It will clear up your rash in hours. You might look into it for the future exposures!