PC's For People $10 Sprint 4G

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2016
Reaction score
East Texas
I just wanted to relay my experience with PC's for People. I didn't see a thread on this subject, only bits and pieces here and there under other threads.
Last week I sent a PDF of my SS benefit mailer that we all get in December to make sure that I qualified under their rules, before I placed an order. I got a quick response saying that it did qualify and minutes later another response from the same person saying he had made a mistake and the document did not not qualify. I sent another email arguing my case that this was the only document that I received and that I didn't get additional assistance from the county. Next day I got a positive answer saying he talked to his supervisor and the document did qualify and a phone number for placing an order by phone and a url for ordering online.
I placed my order within the hour and noticed in the check out that said the hot spot was out of stock and my order would be delayed for 7 to 10 days. This was on Friday but on Monday I received an email saying my order had shipped and I should receive it on Thursday. It did come today (Friday). 
It took me about 10 minutes to get it online and I've been watching YouTube and surfing all afternoon. I live in the boondocks and this is
 my fastest source to the internet. My AT&T Mobly is very slow here and my goto has been Verizon 3g.
EDIT: I should have added. The hotspot is $129 and the monthly fee is $10 paid annually. They have other offers of 3 months, 6 months etc at slightly higher rates.
So far I am please with both service and communication with PC's for People. On top of that I got a 10% off coupon for my next purchase which will be an I7 notebook.
This is just day one. I'll post updates as needed.
If this should be under another thread feel free to move it.
They sure do want lots of PERSONAL info... no thanks.

Just my opinion...
I just dealt with them and it was a nightmare. They took three weeks to ship the unit, but took the money out of my account the day I ordered it. The day I tried to cancel the order and get my money back they shipped it instead.

When I got the unit it wouldn’t work. PCsforpeople has me contact Sprint. Even though my area was within the coverage map, I was apparently in a roaming area. Sprint told me I had to drive 30 miles to a Sprint tower to get the software to update and then it would work on roaming. I drove and got the unit to update all software. When I returned to my town it didn’t work. Again Sprint told me I had to drive the 30 miles to their tower. I did and got Sprint in the phone and had them push through all updates. I have now driven 120 miles. And, of course, it didn’t work. I saw three to four bars of connectivity. I asked for a supervisor this time and the Sprint supervisor told me all PCsforpeople hot spots have roaming blocked.

I called PCsforpeople and they told me that Sprint lies and to call Sprint back. I told them I wanted a refund and sent the unit back.

So I am out $50 in gas and return shipping.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with Pc's for People.
This morning I ran a speed test which is much faster than my other two devices.
9.59 download and 4.04 upload.
I ran a speed test yesterday about 1:00 pm and it was quite a bit slower during the busy period. I didn't write the speed down but it was about half of the less busy morning time. 7:00 am
I have seen as high as 28 Mbps down out in the middle of nowhere Coconino NF and in many places it gets no signal at all. My T-Mobile is much the same.