Packrat trap?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2015
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Interesting video on catching mice with peanut oil:

Anyone game enough to try this on van/RV 'friendly' packrats?
Hmmm, pre oiled...just add tomatoes, eggplant, zuchini, etc.....Rat-a-tooey!

Sorry, couldn't resist.   :p
I had a packrat visitation when I was up in Oregon in May. I saw the damn thing. The only thing I'd want to do with that SOB is to shoot it.
I've thought about setting up traps, but i thought it would just attract more pests.

On the other hand, I know someone who keeps a catch and release trap at her house. When she gets something, she dunks the whole contraption in a vat of water to drown the critter. She gets something pretty much every day.

It's a large solution, but it works. I'm not sure if it would fold up any smaller.
Drown a mouse? Then why use a catch and release? The little critters coming in to visit are doing little harm to you living in your van.
No, this is a lady living in her house. As to why, I guess because it works extremely well, and on critters of many sizes. My mom, on the other hand, has tried many traps and baits etc., and I've bought many for her, and only one kill-trap has ever worked. Rat poop all over the attic no matter what else we did, and a dead rat stuck under her virtually impossible to get to enclosed bath tub.

Mice and rats and ground squirrels can do some serious damage to a house, from wood to wiring to just leaving poop and squirting urine all over the place, including livestock and pet food where it can infect the critters you actually want to keep. They can be destructive in gardens, too. We also get moles, who do a ton of damage too.

Hard to come up with the perfect solution to the problem as a whole, though, since squirrels eat mice, so if you kill off too many squirrels ...

The Long Long Honeymoon youtube channel does have a video on the mouse problem they had in their Airstream trailer.

Mice are like rabbits; adorable but potentially extremely destructive. It's sad, but if you let one go, it's at your own peril.

Except for the asses who go and release them in someone else's yard ...
Packrats have caused serious damage to my vehicles several times, I have no mercy for them anymore. I have resorted to putting old school large traps in my engine compartments at night now.
Remember once you kill the host disease carrying fleas leave. Catch them live and teach them to swim in bleach water while wearing long rubber gloves.
Itripper said:
Packrats have caused serious damage to my vehicles several times, I have no mercy for them anymore. I have resorted to putting old school large traps in my engine compartments at night now.
Ditto here. One packrat was enough for me. Even though I left the hood up on purpose, it ate some wiring and such. I know where the packrat lives - next summer I'll go back with 10 large rat-traps and a jar of peanut butter. 

Deep-6 on packrats.
Zil said:
Drown a mouse? Then why use a catch and release? The little critters coming in to visit are doing little harm to you living in your van.
Until you have some set up a nest inside your air cleaner, eat your wiring harness and die and fry in your heater core will you attempt to prevent them from coming to live with you.  Fleas sense when the host dies and immediately look for another host with a heart beat.  Live traps allow you to kill the host as well as the fleas with bleach water. See VanTramps fire.
for 5 years now, I have been traveling and not had one single problem with mice getting into my vehicle...all that changed a few days ago...I began hearing scratching or chewing noises coming from somewhere in my van...last night I felt something crawling on my blanket as I was sleeping,so I gave it a good whack from under the covers, it thunked against the wall/door of the van and I spent the rest of the night with a light on in the van...It's been raining all day so I was unable to empty out the van and try to get rid of whatever it is...tonight I got into the van and happened to catch a glimpse of it (a mouse ) as it scurried from the from seat floorboard to I don't know where in the will be another long night with the light on but tomorrow I will go into town and buy several different things to get rid of this critter and hopefully the rest of the family...I don't LIKE MICE IN MY VEHICLE !!! Not sleeping is not making a nice person to be around...
Zil said:
Drown a mouse? Then why  use a catch and release? The little critters coming in to visit are doing little harm to you living in your van.

Rodents in your house are generally considered not a positive thing, even a health issue. I've never seen one just stop to visit ....
I think you might be able to lure it outside with cheese and peanut butter - maybe put a board going down to the ground with the food on it. At least, I'd try that. And then I'd wash everything.
Make a bucket trap. Google it.

5 Gallon Bucket for rats, I wonder if a large collapsible yard waste can would work
Dowel – metal is best but wood will work (try a metal clothes hanger)
Tin can (pop can) the can needs to spin freely on the dowel
Peanut butter
wood slat for ramp