Oil prices down

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
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Stocks are down, but so are fuel prices. That would be ok if it were spring and we could actually go somewhere.
I think the texas oil is about $34/bbl now.Some people who are supposed to know are predicting $20 soon.Would be a good time to raise the fuel tax and repair some of our crumbling roads in this country.Every time I hit the road I'm amazed at how bad the roads are getting.
gcal said:
Stocks are down, but so are fuel prices. That would be ok if it were spring and we could actually go somewhere.

Fuel prices are down, though I'm afraid they may be going back up. I heard something about congress passing a bill to allow oil companys to export more oil overseas. If this happens I can see fuel prices going up. Supply and demand. I hope I'm wrong.
Increased taxes for 'specific projects' never go away.  Project done, the money is shunted to somebody else's pet project, or to the General Fund.  And WE keep paying.  Bad idea.
Once OPEC has killed fracking and indigenous production here, they will jack the prices back up.   ;)
OK,so we'll wait for the roads to repair themselves.I think that's what we have been doing and it ain't working.
The new spending bill in congress will repeal the oil export ban after 40 years. In my opinion, if supply falls too much, prices may go up. I live in the Midwest, and if a refinery shuts down for maintenance, the  price of gas goes up. A few months ago this happened and gas went up .50 /gal. It has since come back down.
Road repair is quite doable WITHOUT increased taxes.  It does however require some common sense in city, county and state budgeting - which sadly seems to be impossible.  Stop the danged 'frufru' junk and get real.  But this concept eludes governmental agencies.  Frufru brings in votes.  Common sense doesn't.   :(
If you give the government more money they will just spend it and seemingly like a drunken sailor :p  The tax never goes back down and then the extra money is diverted to something else.  I am not even certain that the tax they already take is used on roads.
The federal gas tax is 18 cents.I think the tax could be doubled without any problem.
Okeedokey.  Don't forget to add in the various city and state gasoline taxes.  A million here, a million there.....  pretty soon you are talking real money.
Some analysts think that OPEC may never have the influence over the price of oil they once had. Not just because of increased production in the US and Canada but because of the transition of the global economy from industrial based to knowledge based is leading to less demand for oil world wide. Fuel mileage is up and miles driven down across the board, a trend that will continue to impact fuel costs.
B and C said:
If you give the government more money they will just spend it and seemingly like a drunken sailor :p  


Now ye done it! ;) :D ;) :D ;)

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Put him in the longboat until he's sober
Put him in the longboat until he's sober
Put him in the longboat until he's sober
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him
Stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him
Stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe on him
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter
Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter
Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]That's what we do with a drunken sailor
That's what we do with a drunken sailor
That's what we do with a drunken sailor
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning[/font]

[font=proxnov-reg, arial, sans-serif]

Read more: [font=proxnov-sbold, arial, sans-serif]Irish Rovers - Drunken Sailor Lyrics | MetroLyrics[/font] [/font]
No, No, No, Drunken Sailor----2 ounces gold rum
1&1/2 ounces gold tequila
1 ounce ginger ale
1 ounce pineapple juice

pineapple & ginger ale optional *!*
Supply and demand aren't going to be a problem for a while, unless something really unexpected turns up. There's an oil glut, last I read, something just short of a year's supply. That glut will continue until the Saudi's get their way and force the non OPEC producers into cooperating in limiting production. Until then, it's going to be an undisciplined free for all driving prices down. Even after prices go up, they won't be allowed to go up high enough to make some of the new, upstart, higher costs competition (like shale oil) profitable. Just my thoughts.
LeeRevell said:
Increased taxes for 'specific projects' never go away.  Project done, the money is shunted to somebody else's pet project, or to the General Fund.  And WE keep paying.  Bad idea.
Once OPEC has killed fracking and indigenous production here, they will jack the prices back up.   ;)

(Shrug) Roads and bridges don't build and maintain themselves. The money has to come from somewhere.
VanCamper said:
The new spending bill in congress will repeal the oil export ban after 40 years. In my opinion, if supply falls too much, prices may go up. I live in the Midwest, and if a refinery shuts down for maintenance, the  price of gas goes up. A few months ago this happened and gas went up .50 /gal. It has since come back down.

Crude oil and refined fuels are 2 different things with 2 different marketing situations.
man o man I need to stay out of this thread or I will be banned for life. highdesertranger