ViaVacavi said:
I have a strong background in renewable energy, having built everything from windmills to solar water heater heating systems.
The problem with cooling via ice is that the amount of BTU available is surprisingly small, and not cost effective in the long run when compared to other options. I'll try to explain why:
- 20 lb. bag of ice will absorb 600-800 BTU of heat (depending on temperature differential). For example, assume that we consider 72 degrees the useful cutoff for cool air, then there is a 40 degree delta (72-32=40). 40*20=800BTU of capacity. Realistically though, by the time the water in the cooler has reached 72 degrees, our energy would be better spent on other ventilation techniques, so 800BTU is really on the high side of what to expect.
- Assuming that the ice takes 6 hours to absorb this much heat, this would put the actual output of the device below 100 BTU per hour.
- Assuming $5 for a 20 lb. bag of ice (I know this varies by location), this will give a price of about $6.25 and $8.50 per 1000 BTU of cooling. This is magnitudes higher than
virtually any other method of cooling available. For example, even small automotive AC units are 20,000 BTU per hour minimum. It would be way more cost effective to run the vehicle A/C for 20 minutes while burning $0.25 in fuel for the same amount of heat removal.
- This is equivalent to about 25-30 watts of power draw to put that into another perspective.
- Taking the conversion further, this is realistically approximately 200 WattHours of power on the high end (0.20 KWH). If you compare that $5 bag of ice to paying $0.15 per KWH for that 0.2 KWH, you'll see that you just overpaid by $4.97 for the same amount of cooling (Yes, in much of the country you could have bought that same amount of power for just 3 cents!)
I do like the idea of a quick and simple way to stay cool in isolated situations, but realistically it's very inefficient making it a poor choice for permanent installations (and we haven't even yet accounted for the extra gas burnt driving to get more ice, or the power used to move air through the system). I'm not trying to knock the idea, just trying to put some numbers into perspective.
I just went over this again because I thought I may have missed something, and indeed I have. I forgot to account for the phase change from ice to liquid, which requires 143 BTU/pound, after which liquid water requires 1 BTU/pound/degree change. I'm going to use the same points below, only revised to account for the extra capacity from the phase change that was originally missed:
- 20 lb. bag of ice will absorb roughly 3600 BTU of heat (depending on temperature differential). For example, assume that we consider 72 degrees the useful cutoff for cool air, then there is a 40 degree delta (72-32=40). 40*20=800BTU of capacity, plus another 2800 or so BTU for the phase change from solid to liquid (which takes 143 BTU per pound for ice to melt to water). Keep in mind though, that most of the cooling (about 75%) will happen during the phase change from solid to liquid
- Assuming that the ice takes 6 hours to absorb this much heat, this would put the actual output of the device around 600 BTU per hour on average. In practice, the output will be higher at the start, and lower at the end.
- This is equivalent to about 165 watts of power draw to put that into another perspective.
- Assuming $5 for a 20 lb. bag of ice (I know this varies by location), this will give a price of about $1.40 per 1000 BTU of cooling. This is magnitudes higher than
virtually any other method of cooling available. For example, even small automotive AC units are 20,000 BTU per hour minimum. It would be way more cost effective to run the vehicle A/C for 20 minutes while burning $0.15 in fuel for the same amount of heat removal.
- Taking the conversion further, this is realistically approximately 1000 WattHours of power on the high end (1.0 KWH). If you compare that $5 bag of ice to paying $0.15 per KWH for that 1.0 KWH, you'll see that you just overpaid by $4.85 for the same amount of cooling (Yes, in much of the country you could have bought that same amount of power for just 15 cents!)
As you can see, even the extreme jump the math took by accounting for the phase change of ice into water (literally magnifying the calculated cooling capacity 4-5 times), it's still very expensive and inefficient. We're still looking at $1.40 per 1000 BTU of cooling via an ice chest, vs $0.04 per 1000 BTU of cooling by purchasing electricity (or maybe around $0.15 in gasoline per 1000 BTU of cooling if using the vehicle AC). This is a factor of 7 to 10 times less efficient than other options available, is less convenient and takes up more valuable space.