Newby near the eve of trial departure

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Dec 5, 2016
Reaction score
Seattle, WA USA
We are going for a month(?) long trip leaving in a week or 10 days in our new Nash 17K trailer being pulled by our trusty old Range Rover supercharged.   Our trailer is named Paititi, after the lost city.

We figured we could obsess over every detail and guess at every scenario for the next four years as is right and good.  Or we could try to make things as safe and simple as possible and just go.  We will be learning a lot for the next few weeks.  Actually, it has already begun!  We have dug ourselves into such a deep rut that even doing it this way is near overwhelming.  The best part of over the top goals is that you get points just for showing up.  We know we won't be the same people in a month and that is really cool. 

I have read a lot of this site and want to thank Bob and all of you for your words.  You have blazed my path for me and I appreciate it.  I don't know about RTR, we will be going right past it about the right time.  I think I might take that as a sign, but am making no promises.

  (and DH:  Mike, who might show up here sometime.
   and two czech shepherds.  Ergo and Tiamat)
Welcome Balos to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. you do understand we need pics. if your driving past the RTR you must stop and say hi at least. highdesertranger
Welcome out of the shadows Balos'!
You sound like you have a pretty good handle of how fulltime travel will be.
Keep us informed on your progress,,,,miles and mind....
Yay! Have a great trip, stay in touch here and do stop by RTR. Oh, yeah, and after about an hour on the road, if you think of something you forgot, you'll fit in fine with all us nuts.

Welcome and I hope your trip is very rewarding to you all.
Hope you do make it to the RTR, there seems to be a great deal of interest in it, and a lot of Newbies will also be there, myself included.
It is amazing how much information is packed into this forum.
Hope to see you at the RTR!
Welcome, Love the floor plan on the Nash, they look like great trailers. Enjoy your trip, careful though traveling becomes very addictive!
highdesertranger said:
Welcome Balos to the CRVL forums!  To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.  you do understand we need pics.  if your driving past the RTR you must stop and say hi at least.  highdesertranger

Thank you.  Your Tips and Tricks page was helpful and friendly. 

Oh, I agree that if I'm driving anywhere near the RTR I will stop, that isn't in question.  The question is if we will make it that far!  :)   I just figured out that I need to include some wood in the trailer so I can knock on it when I make statements that temp fate.  

A long time ago I read a study of fatal traveling accidents that boiled down to this: it is generally the third or fourth decision that kills you.   For example, you decide to go to RTR, and know it is a long scary drive away, so you make plans, maybe caravan and minimize your risks and go.  Then the weather changes and you think, "Oh, well, I've still got the caravan and if something happens I will park and ride with somebody else.  Then your rig breaks in a minor but fixable way and the slower members the caravan decide to keep moving because you can catch up soon.  Then your partner vehicle throws a rod and they decide they can't make RTR but everybody else is already out of reach and so you decide to drive on alone at night in bad weather to catch up the other members that can't be too far away and that is the decision that gets you.  One you would have never made straight out of the box. 

So while I really want to go to RTR, I just don't know enough about the challenges that will face me to know how to mitigate real dangers from the ignorant dangers that lurk in my mind.  And I know myself well enough that if I promise I will go, or even promise I will try to go, it might start off a chain of bad decisions.  For this trip Hubby and I decided no commitments other than xmas in Miami with my 92 year old Mom.  

But I want, oh my, I want.
Maybe you need to have something break down just so you can experience it and realize that it's not that bad. it's really not, other than money that might be spent.
Gee, Brandy,
I hope that once you begin driving, you and your hubby will see that most travel is not a "long, scary drive." Yes, things like bad weather do come up or mechanical problems, but don't forget that dozens of times every day you make some "fourth, fifth and tenth" decisions about all kinds of things with no bad results. Try not to worry so much about jinxing things... that's kind of silly to say since probably saying "don't worry" never stopped anyone from worrying.

Not having a precise timetable IS almost always a good thing because you can relax and just enjoy being where you are and seeing what you see.

We'll look forward to hearing about all the good stuff you enjoy as you get on the road!
WriterMs said:
Gee, Brandy,
I hope that once you begin driving, you and your hubby will see that most travel is not a "long, scary drive." Yes, things like bad weather do come up or mechanical problems, but don't forget that dozens of times every day you make some "fourth, fifth and tenth" decisions about all kinds of things with no bad results. Try not to worry so much about jinxing things... that's kind of silly to say since probably saying "don't worry" never stopped anyone from worrying.

Not having a precise timetable IS almost always a good thing because you can relax and just enjoy being where you are and seeing what you see.

We'll look forward to hearing about all the good stuff you enjoy as you get on the road!

Thanks!  I know I sound seriously afraid, but I'm really just trying to be serious about safety.   Right now I'm writing up a spec with a bunch of scenarios that I'm going to have plans already laid out for.  My father always stressed the 5 P's - Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance and he is the one who taught me how to do a road trip right.  Once I'm done with the planning then all those scary scenarios are regulated to the far back of my mind and hopefully never recalled or looked up.  

Being new here, I didn't want you guys to think badly of me for not even promising to try to stop by the RTR.  I hoped that by explaining my reasoning I wouldn't ruffle anybody's feathers with an implied rejection.   The information here has already been so useful and I love how real people are here, I just didn't want to leave the wrong impression.
mdoverl said:
Maybe you need to have something break down just so you can experience it and realize that it's not that bad. it's really not, other than money that might be spent.

Actually I'm looking forward to that!  I mean, not really.  But it is a right of passage and I will be proud to have a story!
Seems like you got your head screwed on right to me, shit happens I recommend keep it under 200 miles per day. I gotta thing about my rigs smell, sounds, feel, after a while you know when something is not right. Just do not push it in the beginning no reason to highball if your not on the clock. we see you or we don't .
Take your time enjoy the trip, that's half of the adventure !
If you miss the RTR no biggie! There will still be some tribe in Ehrenberg or Yuma or The Slabs or ???
....somewhere nearby who will be happy to have you join them.
Probably till it starts getting too warm , then there will be a gathering somewhere else at a higher altitude.............. :>)

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