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Jun 10, 2020
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I'm Jo Counts, retired Spanish teacher, stuck in Georgia since I can't get back to Mexico, and trying to figure out how to get on the road in my 2016 Chevy Sonic. So far, I've spent only a couple of nights out in my car, and it wasn't the most comfortable place to be, but really want to do this.

I'm also trying to figure out this system lol. Looking forward to meeting some people through here and maybe strike up some friendships. Anybody near Georgia?

Have a great night!

Welcome Jo Counts to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

Hey Jo
How about South America? Since you speak Spanish you aren’t stuck with Mexico and Costa Rica ( thinking of the huge expat communities)
I’m retired from bilingual Ed and I have a secondary Spanish credential.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :)

Yes the Sonic may be a challenge.   If you could take a small tent along to stay in at night it may be more comfortable. They will begin to show up on sale as July 4 nears.  I noticed them in ALDI grocery stores last advertisement. 

At this time of the year you have warmer weather on your side.  

You may find a Jungle Hammock like this one if you don't want to sleep on the ground.


You could park your car on one side like a privacy screen.   Carry a small ice cooler, lantern, small cooking stove (perhaps a boy scout mess kit to cook and eat with), clothing storage etc for other necessary items.   But if you travel like this you may want to have your car's "Title" with you
hidden securely.  Then if you decide to go outside the USA,  you could sell your car before leaving.   Once you get to where you choose to reside you can buy another car or use public transit in the interim. 

I think LERCA makes a good point about becoming an expat.  You may want to check out "americancitizensabroad com" or "escapeartiist com" for more info about that.

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