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Jun 16, 2018
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Hello. I'm new. I am getting my ducks in a row to live in a van and/or trailer. I have about 9 months on this lease and am living on Social Security. I have always dreamed of being a "gypsy" and have loved the jobs that took me on the road. I have so many questions that I am finding answers to on Bob's videos and, now, here. I appreciate what I have been learning through these areas and they also keep my dream alive. I am a worker and a doer but had a horrible fall and several other complications which is why I'm on SSI no longer a worker and a doer. I have been having trouble finding goals and hope, until your videos showed me what my next "steps" in life are. I don't post a lot, but I look for posts that answer my questions or fears. Okay. So. Nice to meet you all.
Welcome BrookD and Waywest.....

There is a ton of information here and hundreds of people that will answer your questions...

when you start getting ready, dont forget to post your progress pics and inf

Welcome to the CRVL forums Brooke! While you are busy getting your ducks in a row consider taking a little time off to go camping in a state park or other public campground near you. You don't need a lot to get started - a small tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad or cot, and a cooler. You'll experience a small bit of the lifestyle and discover what you like about it and what you need to be comfortable.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome and thank you for posting! There are many of us who have struggled trying to figure out how to live within the limits of our Social Security. It was pretty hard and pretty discouraging at first but I kept trying new ideas.

That's when I came across Bob's YouTube channel and got the nomad-bug. I've been on the road for a couple of years now and grateful for all the new opportunities I continue to come across.

Wishing you great success in your preparation. You've got a great resource here!

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Hello. I was just handed a twist today. House is in foreclosure and landlord says to be out by August 1. Legally I could push it to August 31, but I am hoping to get my stuff together quickly. Odd feeling. I am surprised at the touch of panic I feel about it. I have been wanting this, I have been investigating this, it's earlier than planned and I feel a little stunned. Blahhhhhhhh. That helps. Maybe I'll do tribal screams into my pillow and get on with my future in the morning.
Hi BrookeD,

I also know what it's like to have the rug pulled out from under your feet and am also new to the CRVL Forum. You've been thinking and 'getting your ducks in a row', to choose the nomadic life, it looks like the nomadic life is choosing you.

Thank you StrayCatt. It seems to be a fitting situation. I just have to stay calm. It's kinda like when I was ready to give birth to my first child. I was in labor and I panicked about the changes and unknown and stuff. Then, the baby came and my world opened up to a whole new, wonderful world. Thanks for the encouragement. I need all the good words I can get.
I'm going to the Ford dealership tomorrow for the truck and then I'm thinking about a small toy-hauler. It seems easier than getting a travel trailer and removing all the extra beds and tables. It is interesting. Real thoughts and prayers to us all.   :)
Another plot twist. I am unable to attain a working vehicle or trailer. I have -0- credit (If I can't buy it outright, I don't need it mindset), and what I need is more money than I have. I can make small payments, with my car as collateral and a small deposit. It's getting frustrating, but, my son and grandson said I can move in with them for a year to give myself more time to get what is needed. 
It's strange. I don't feel relieved. I have gone back and forth with these circumstances and feeling a little shell-shocked. I know this is whats good for me and it will make a smoother transition, and, at my age, "smooth" is good.
I will, of course, be in fine shape and I have SO much to be thankful for. There are so many who don't have this opportunity and my prayers go out to all. I guess, putting my feelings in writing, help me to understand and appreciate everything. In GOD's time.