My oldest son living in another state recommended this router to me, when I was complaining about getting bumped off the wifi. The way he explained it to me is that most routers use like a 4 or 4 1/2 gigabytes bandwidth, and the netgear router I bought, ($89) utilizes about a 5 gigabytes bandwidth which is "less crowded". Please know that I'm a wifi newbie, and was only basic PC savvy when using my desk PC on a AT&T landline set up. In any case, every one in the various parks where we've stayed, complains about Tengointernet wifi system being sketchy, (blows). All I know is that I need to use the internet on a regular basis, and can't even count the times I've lost an email or even a post, or private message on this forum due to suddenly loosing a signal because of the lousy connection, which I have attributed to other Tengointernet users logging on this particular bandwidth. Both son and I can possibly be wrong...but can't send the darn thing back. I want to thank you guys for the info and take the advice into consideration and see what I can do. All I know is that this sucks. Funny that people can go to a McDonald's etc and get a good consistent signal, but who wants to drive to a McDonalds for that purpose? We have to PAY for this crappy TengoInternet, (which all the parks seem to use).