...and a few of our magical rooster, "Peep."
He got this name, when we though he was a she. (Still not sure how he "identifies" but you would not know it by his crow.)
This little guy had his neck-skin pecked all the way around as a one day old.
It slid down his neck (pardon the words but...) like a foreskin. There was a full inch+ of muscle and sinew you could see, with no skin on it. Dirt was inside and everything.
Mrs G was about head North to see the grandbabies...so we rinsed him under the faucet and took super glue to him.
She held him, I stretched the skin and glued.
As she left, I was irritated. (I thought he was SURELY going to die due to infection.) HATE seeing animals suffer. (Some PEOPLE, on the other hand, bring out the Dexter in me. DAMN this sarcastic personality disorder!)
The afternoon of the second day in our bathroom under the light, in a box, his name was chosen.
PEEP PEEP PEEP until I would pick him up and put him on my shoulder a the 'puter desk.
Then he would bury himself in my hair.
(Paper towel diaper only worked 'most' of the time)

He became quite a smart bird.
Pretty cool shot, eh?
He is a Swedish Flower and Leghorn mix...who uses the dog door to come in and ask for sunflower seeds. He was hatched by our own hens in mother nature...(well, in the redneck coop you can see in the pics.)
Clicking for a larger version even shows the bokeh Mrs G was able to get in the pic!