Marijuana and Guns

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in ca now that one can admit to doing a illegal drug.
is you are forbidden to even touch a gun. forget about owning one. or having one in your house, even if the owner of the gun is a leo. (you might touch it).

^ the above link talks about the Border Patrol check points and how they will still bust you for pot.

PLEASE INCLUDE A DISCRIPTION WITH YOUR LINKS. I am getting tired of doing it for you guys and gals. at some point I will just delete them. highdesertranger
sure state laws say you get a pass. but then the feds come in with there laws you broke.
 (state) ok to step off the curb starting with the left foot.
 ( fed) not ok to step off the curb starting with the right foot.

do drugs. loose your rights.
that fed form you sign to buy a gun is a federal form not a state form.
check yes i abuse drugs. it is a no sale. 
check no i do not abuse drugs is a feloney called fraud, pugury
California Normal Organization FAQs (as in Legal FACTS from the Legal State that all States derive LAW from) # 25. Hint: up to 29 states legal now, plus Washington D.C.: ONE State away from a 60% overwhelming majority.

Just saying legal beagles  :D :D
25. Can I own or buy a gun if I use marijuana?
The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms sent letters to gun dealers in 2011 warning them they could not sell to known marijuana users. When buying a gun, question 11e on the ATF form asks, "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana?"

Answering yes makes you ineligible to purchase; falsely answering no is in principle punishable as perjury. This should not affect current gun owners.

On August 31, 2016 a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a challenge to this policy from a medical marijuana patient in Wilson v. Lynch. The opinion states: "Wilson could have amassed legal firearms before acquiring a registry card, and [federal statutes] and the Open Letter would not impede her right to keep her firearms or to use them to protect herself and her home. In addition, Wilson could acquire firearms and exercise her right to self-defense at any time by surrendering her registry card, thereby demonstrating to a firearms dealer that there is no reasonable cause to believe she is an unlawful drug user.”

Although California law does not prohibit marijuana users from having guns, using a gun in connection with an offense such as cultivation or possession with sale can result in additional criminal charges. Users are advised to keep their guns in a location that is separate from their marijuana.
Guess I don't have anything to worry about, not that I was worrying in the first place. Stopped consuming alcohol 27 years ago and no drugs for me unless you count the occasional aspirin if I get a headache that I can't control naturally. Oh yeah, and I don't own any guns so....
SMH :(

Freaking idiot Anslinger-ites.

SMH again...

Time to go starve some monkeys of oxygen, so I can prove Cannabis is a heathen devil weed that makes black folk go wild and rape any white female in sight.
^^^100% Sarcasm for those too dense to figure it out for themselves.^^^