Magnets on rear window defroster?

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2016
Reaction score
Got snowed in at 7k ft this winter. Brrr, finally warm enough to work on my minivan out front. 

I bought reflectix and stapled black felt to it. Learned later there are companies that make foil and black window covers for minivans. And there's a material with foil on one side black on the other. Live and learn.

Question: I'm considering gluing magnets to the sloping rear window of my 2005 T & C minivan and to the reflectix covers I cut out for that window. Would magnets interfere with my rear window defroster in any way???

I've got computerized gizmos in my 2005 T & C up front. The manual says not to use magnets in that area. So before I glue magnets on the rear defroster I need advice. Is it safe and if so, what kind of glue would you recommend?


Magnetic north moves in loops of up to 50 miles as the earth rotates.magnetic north is moving at the rate of 30 miles per year.So to answer your question.Maybe.
Keep a 6 inch clearance from the electronics and you will be OK for the kind of magnets used to mount things such as blackout panels in vans.

That distance is based on information for neomydium magnets. The recommendation from magnet selling companies is actually 10 cm so I more than doubled that distance to give you a generous amount for a safety factor. Remember the neo magnets are much stronger than the ceramic magnets most people are using to put up the panels. So 6 inches is for sure more than is needed but it works as handy ball park figure than can be checked by using the long length of a dollar bill as your ruler.

I would never put any adhesive onto the wires for a defroster. You could damage them doing that.