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May 26, 2011
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to find people interested in cheap living. My tale of woes is not new, and I refuse to complain of having no shoes, to the man with no feet. Suffice it to say that I am recently divorced, homeless, unemployed(5yrs. now), and was just declared "medically unable to work." by the state. I'm living in my VW Westfalia. I've been on food stamps, and I'm a few weeks away from receiving GR. I'd like to dedicate myself to the concept of "affordable" living. I have several ideas about mobile, and permanent, low cost, off the grid living. I know it can be done. I just need someone to help fund and develop it(a municipality). It would be a hell of a lot nicer than a Japanese airport closet, and cost less. There should be no homeless people in this country. If we don't start fixing the situation now, our society is going to find itself living in a glass house, with all the homeless standing outside carrying bags and bags of stones.
<font face="Georgia"><font size="3">Hi Bob, there are actually a lot of us that began this lifestyle by necessity and continue it by choice. This is a great place to ask questions. Good luck with everything!<br><br><a target="_blank" href="">The Tuckerbag</a> </font></font><br>
Greetings Bob,<br><br>You'll find a wealth of information here to help you on your way to better living.<br>
Hi Bob. Sorry to hear of the bad turn but glad you're owning this and making it work for you!
Yeah, this forum is exactly what I need. All of my troubles can be dismissed. What I find lacking in my life is a support group like this forum. Having the woman I love steal our children and abandon me, leaving me with nothing, broke, and quite ill, is tough. But, it is, what it is, lemonade anyone? lol &nbsp;Really, the worst part is the feeling of being alone. With this forum I no longer feel so unloved. Thank you all. I hope I don't boar you with my insane ramblings. I do know some good jokes but too many would break the language rules. Oh, here's one I can keep clean! A guy's watching the game, when his wife walks in and says, "I need $5000 for a boob job." Beer shot out of the guys nose. He said, "$5000!?? What, are you nuts? I've got a better idea. Three times a day rub some toilet paper between your breasts." She responded saying, "Now I know you're crazy, that won't do anything." And he says, "Are you kidding? Have you seen what it's done to your ass?"
<P>Hi Bob! Welcome to the forum!&nbsp;</P>
Eh Gads, wish I had your sense of humor.&nbsp; Welcome, this bunch will give all the help one needs to make the transition from a bad lifestyle to the best.&nbsp; Ed<br>