Is the New Year a Good Time to Purchase Solar Components?

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Great Falls, MT
Many companies have a beginning-of-the-year sale to reduce inventory for tax purposes, make room for the latest models, increase sales during an otherwise slow time of year, etc. Do some solar companies do this for their inverters, charge controllers, panels, etc.? If so, who? Would be nice to take advantage of some good deals that reliably come around once a year.
I bought my Renogy system in December, they were having a 15% off sale. Every little bit helps!
There are some good deals before Christmas; I wanted to take advantage of that, but didn't have the money at the time. I will wait a few days until next week to see if I can score some savings and will let you know if I do. I'm hoping since it is a slow time of year and whatnot, I can find some decent sales in the 10% to 15% range. Maybe more? One can always hope. No matter what happens, it will be good knowledge when planning the best time of year to take advantage of sales.
The New Year does provide sales, but not so much. The best I saw was 5%. Before Christmas I saw 10% to 15% off. Panels are on sale periodically throughout the year. Components like charge controllers, inverters, circuit breakers, wire, mounts, etc. aren't on sale so much throughout the year, but are best to be found on sale before Christmas. Renogy seems to do a good job offering sales. This probably isn't a big help for most people, but for those that are able to wait or happened to be ready at the time they are on sale, this should help. This is only one year's observation, so it may not hold true for other years. I suspect it generally will, though.

With Amazon I have a wish list. I look on it periodically to see the price drops that seem to happen arbitrarily for short periods of time. I've saved a few hundred dollars checking the list fairly frequently. I imagine one could get some good deals on solar doing this. Try to remember to go through Bob's links so he can get some benefit from the sale.

Searching "solar clearance" turned up some pretty good results. That's probably the best trick I've found during this little mini investigation.
There is another issue and I've seen it happening already...the new tariffs have gone into affect the beginning of the year regarding imports and solar panels are among the victims. Quite a few solar sellers are withholding on deals until they see how much the tariffs affect imported panels and other solar necessities. Then they'll adjust their prices. We'll see.
I got impatient waiting for Renogy to have their 15% off sale again, so I used the 10% off code that you can get subscribing to their newsletter. Better than nothing.
If you get on Renogy’s mailing list they send lots of good promos.

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