Installing window on enclosed / cargo trailer

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Sep 29, 2012
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How difficult is it to install a window on an enclosed / cargo trailer? Not a vertical window between the ribs, but a window where rib(s) might have to be cut out. <br /><br />Should be done before or after the insulation is installed?&nbsp;<br /><br />I am sure this will void its warranty, but I don't think it should effect the trailer's integrity.&nbsp;<br /><br />Thought?<br /><br />Thank you
I would think if you built an adequate frame for the window and sealed it well, it shouldn't be an issue. Do an online search - surely there's a vid or instructions out there somewhere.
If the ribs are wood, just make a wood box frame to connect to the crippled ribs you cut.
I thought about doing it in my cargo trailer and I decided it wasn't worth the hassle. My ribs are 24 inches apart and I found the perfect windows on eBay that were 18 inches wide and 36 inches tall. They open vertically so I get plenty of ventilation.<br /><br />Wish I could be more help but that's what worked for me. Bob
That sounds like the way to go. &nbsp;Do you recommend installing the window before insulation being installed? Or can I get a window that is deep enough to accommodate the insulation?
rv windows come&nbsp;made for&nbsp;varying wall thickness.&nbsp; most rv windows install by pinching the 2 skins together.&nbsp; the outer skin(the outside of your trailer)&nbsp;and the inner skin(the interior wall).&nbsp; as far as the insulation goes are your interior walls already in? or are you going to install with the insulation.&nbsp; i really don't know what type of insulation you are thinking about so can't answer your question about when to install the insulation.&nbsp; with a little more info i can tell you how to do it. &nbsp;highdesertranger
I haven't put insulation in yet. I was going to pull the walls off and put the insulation in between the ext wall and int wall. I was hoping it was as simple as measuring the thickness of wall and placing a window in that would fit that.&nbsp;
Hi All<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; I am needing to put windows into a cargo trailer as well. I have found some great deals on ebay. Do the 2" deep rv windows work on a cargo trailer that is not insulated? Any help you can provide would be great! Thanks
put two windows im my cargo I framed out the opening with 1x2 (1nch walles) the windows I used came from a salvaged rv. two peace window with a ring on the inside that fastened the outside half of window with screws. wall was two thin for window to tighten up so I cut another peace of plwood to look like a fram and installed it on the indide to make up the difference in thickness
Hi, I built the interior of my 6x12 cargo trailer, but I didn't want to tackle the 22x30 emergency window instahl, so I hired a mobile rv repair guy to do it. ( Good thing because even he had smoke coming out of his ears a few times with what turned out to be a 6hr. job...&amp; I was right in there helping him with it!) <BR><BR>I left the steel studs/beams exposed on the inside of the trailer where I wanted the window &amp; the&nbsp;night B4 the instahl I cut the interior plywood to the exact dimentions to finish the wall. ( I told rv guy that I wanted his help cutting the window opening in the plywood &amp; fitting it in place.) So I had the plywood, pink fiberglass insulation, &amp; my tools all ready to go. As soon as he slid the window in, I stuffed in the insulation &amp; then helped him cut out &amp; insahl the finished plywood &amp; the window frame.<BR><BR>(I think I shouldv'e paid myself an assistance's fee,..don't you!??)<BR><BR>The beams were 15' apart, so he had to cut the middle one out &amp; then he welded two steel "L" peices horizonally in to make the all metal frame that supports the wimdow. He had to "Jerry Rig" a couple things to make it all work. Ex: The cheap trailer beams/studs are "Z" shaped &amp; only stand out an inch &amp; the window &amp; "L" beams are 2 inches! So, ya there was some head scratching going on, but overall it looks good.<BR><BR>My advice, even if you have some building experience, try to find someone who has some experience with rv window intahlations! It's a two person job anyway.
<br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>I installed 2 windows on my little 5x8, one on each side, but I didn't cut through any studs. Still, I didn't find it to be all that difficult. I measured &amp; cut through the sheet metal from the outside first, then went inside &amp; framed the hole with wood. Went back outside &amp; screwed the sheet metal to the frame, then installed the window, &amp; finally, insulated last.</strong></span><br><br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Here's a link to the entire build thread. Starting with a brand new, bare bones cargo trailer,<br>it took me about 5 months from start to finish:&nbsp;</strong></span><span style="font-size: 13px; color: #ff0000;"></span><br><br>
Finally got around to buying the trailer. After a lot of research, a 1999 8X20 Carson trailer with new axles and tires is what I picked up for $2500. It has windows on each side, and this weekend, I put 3 layers of Killz primer on the floor, and installed carpet a friend gave me. With the interior frame of the trailer exposed on the inside, I'll place insulation between the framing and on the ceiling too. I took it camping, it worked great keeping the wind out, but was surprised that without any insulation, whatever the temp is outside that's what it is inside. I thought it might be a few degrees warmer inside, but it wasn't at all. It doesn't have a roof vent, and I am not sure if I should bother installing one.&nbsp;
Thank god for the trailer. Worked great and on our way to making it something I can live in full time. Made a new friend while camping at Apache Sitgraves National Forest by Big Lake, AZ at Rainbow campgrounds. Our fault for leaving the coolers out. Need to make some more room inside.&nbsp;<br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img">