I'm a retired Aussie who loves to design small nomadic life

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Nov 17, 2015
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i've been following these ideas for many years and i've learned a lot. 
(including the Grey Nomads and then Vanabode and now Bob Wells). 

i don't know if life on the road is in my future, but downsizing and frugalism definitely is. i'm currently weeding out 40 years of family accumulation and my home is looking much less cluttered. it's an amazing journey down memory lane and i am saving the best samples. 

i've done a lot of world travelling and still have relatives in the USA. 

my current van design (SLWB, high roof, old Toyata Hiace) includes a small aeroponics tower and auto-sprouter so i can grow fresh food on the road (a Vegie Van?).  

btw, i don't own a van -- i just imagine if i did. 
but i can't figure a way to grow organic meat and dairy yet!    :p
Welcome to this community ! :) 

There are some other Aussies here too.

But your ideas are interesting to me.  I've played with 2 liter soda bottles with the bottoms cut out and joined
as a column to hang.  The screw on caps have a hole drilled in them so that when watered from the top
the water drips down through the others.  Works great for a large window herb garden in the kitchen.  Also
for some privacy without expensive window coverings.   ;)    Frugal enough ?   And the flora in the window
is a value added to the ambiance to the kitchen. 

So come on in and share your ideas and questions with us.

Welcome to the CRVL forums gingerperth!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard gingerperth.
Hydroponic cows , that's gonna take some doin'.
I have had some hydroponic milk though , buy it in a box and just add water.......

eDJ nice !
thank you very much for the good wishes, the info about "windowfarms", and the links to more van-designing and van-living sites. i'm spending hours exploring your recommendations and keep coming across new ideas to incorporate in my current design. 

i first came across the idea of growing food in a van/bus years ago when i found this site: http://busroots.org
although it is about educating the public about environmentalism, i thought some of the ideas could be adapted to stealth van living. 

i ended up writing a document with my thoughts about  [size=small]"[font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=x-small][size=small]Nomadic agriculture - growing food in a campervan".  e.g. a very small [font=Verdana, sans-serif]hydroponics system inside the vehicle (with a sunroof and solar panel to run the pump, aerator and timer).  it's based on permaculture ideas (including foraging for edible weeds).  [/font]if anyone wants a copy of this file, please let me know. i would love others to add to it, either letting me know what won't work or adding improvements. [/font] The whole set up would have to be miniaturised, light-weight and well designed. [/size][/size][/size]

[size=small]my current iteration is less about growing food and more about making a tiny comfortable space to live long-term. i've explored the tiny house movement and designed a shipping container home plan. i've even found ideas about creating a tiny home to be towed by an electric tricycle. if i was to live like this, i would want to travel on small local roads and lanes, not major highways. also to look for local greenies and artists to barter with (also wwoofing). we are lucky in australia that much of the country has mild weather. [/size]

[size=small]everyone, please share with me any thoughts you have about these concepts.[/size]

[size=small]ginger [/size]
Ginger,   have you ever had a chance to look at this Book.   It comes from 1971 or there abouts


Public Libraries and used book stores may turn one up for you.  If you hold
one of these in your hands you may feel that there is something magical
about it for the spell it can cast on your imagination.

Many of the things you speak of that interest you are contained in the catalog.

I made great use of it when I studied Industrial Design.

It is online today as  a  .pdf  to download here:

i used to own one back in the 70s. that and the original Shelter book were my favourites. then later i discovered bill mollison and the first permaculture book. thanks for letting me know the TL WEC is now downloadable. eDJ_ said:
Ginger,   have you ever had a chance to look at this Book.   It comes from 1971 or there abouts


Public Libraries and used book stores may turn one up for you.  If you hold
one of these in your hands you may feel that there is something magical
about it for the spell it can cast on your imagination.

Many of the things you speak of that interest you are contained in the catalog.

I made great use of it when I studied Industrial Design.

It is online today as  a  .pdf  to download here:

You guys probably already have this but if not here you go http://lloydkahn-ongoing.blogspot.com/ Lloyd was the shelter editor for Whole Earth. He is heavily involved in the Tiny Homes movement as well as much more. He publishes books, gives talks and promotes the small home idea. Fascinating guy, The Shelter Blog is operated by his son and is interesting as well.