Iggy's Adventures and Misfortunes

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2014
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Left Coast USA
Well, I've been living the vandwelling life for several months now. I've had fun but have made some real booboos along the way. First a little history. In the 80s I traveled for 3 months around the US, living in my Bug. So I knew this life was possible. Over the years I often camped in different vehicles for short times. Last year, thru a bunch of financial and physical misfortunes, I ended up living in a homeless shelter with people who were fresh out of prison or insane asylums. I still had my old work van so I started researching the van life and roughly set up my Ford to start living in it. I did some test runs and in March 2014 went fulltime.
Right away I made a bad mistake. I tried to involve some female friends into my new life. One gal gave me gas money and we went to California together. That didn't work out and I ended up having to bring her back after a week there. Another woman lasted one day until I discovered her drug use. A final one lasted for two weeks but she missed her daily hourlong soak in a tub. All of these women I had been friends with for years but life in a van can fray a friendship quickly. So even though there are others willing to try it with me, I think I'll run solo for now.
I've put on many more miles than I intended to, primarily due to those women. I've been to eastern Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and California. That is going to change. I prefer slow traveling. In fact, if I like a place, I want to be able to stay for awhile. I stayed in Ventura CA for a few weeks and should have stayed longer. But I need to be back in Salem Oregon by June 1st to take care of some business so that's where I'm headed now.
It is getting easier to find a place to park for the night. It takes a bit to develop a knack for that and to be able to relax enough to sleep well. It helps to realize what kind of towns that I enjoy being in. So I do some research online before arriving. If it is between 2000 to 50,000 in population, has a ocean/lake/river and a library, I'm happy.
I tend to relate best with homeless people but have to keep my guard up. They think I'm rich because I have a running vehicle to sleep in and so want to mooch off of me. Several gals wanted to move in too. I can't afford to support others. Plus I'm ocd about keeping my van neat and organized. That is usually a source of tension with everyone I've been with.
I have some tentative plans for the future but a lot depends on my finances, the weather, and more research. It is possible that I can pick up some odd jobs too. More later......
Thx for sharing your experiences. Hope things settle down for you the way you want.
One thing I'm having trouble with is my eating habits. I have the cooking supplies and food but it is way too easy to just eat junk food or grab a burger/taco. I really can't afford to that so need to cook what's in my van. More healthy and maybe I'll lose some of my extra body mass.
Another problem that I didn't really anticipate was the lack of anytime fitness centers where I go. The main reason I joined them was because of their thousands of locations. Unfortunately that doesn't include the CA or OR coastline. So showers and workouts are farther between than I'd like. Sometimes I can use community fitness or swimming centers but that costs extra. Bummer!

Thanx Bdog1. It's an experiment that was forced on me but in general I'm enjoying it. Once in awhile, I'm outside my comfort zone. But that helps me learn and grow, right? :)
A number of people have described showers which use little water in this forum.

Long hikes will provide as much exercise as gym workouts.
Thanks PT. I'll look those shower ideas up. I'm limited by a bad hip and a knee that is bone on bone. So I can't walk or stand for more than an hour or two. When I was young I hiked with a full backpack for months. No more. :(
Hey Iggy,

Thanks for sharing your story.

So...three women already, and another few wanted to move in with you, too? I think a lot of single male van-dwellers might be just a bit envious of your magic :cool: ...even though, as you experienced, having a partner along for the ride doesn't always yield the bliss it promises.

Keep having fun...

I'm holding out for one with her own money. :) Most of my friends live on the fringes of society (homeless, survivalists, tax criminals, strippers, politicians) so I know some interesting people. I just don't trust most of them very much. And of course, anyone riding with me has to be on the small size because of the California single bed. ;)
Well.....that pretty much makes number four on your list if perspectives seem like the natural choose then! Lol.
Only if they contribute to the community pot! :)

Let me clarify, pot of MONEY not the other stuff. lol
Iggy, out of the 5 categories of people on your list, survivalists might teach you a few tricks--unless mooching of of you is their survival plan--and at least strippers have a way to make their own money.

On a serious note, though, too many strippers have "issues" with men, and from what I've observed in others' lives, are far less likely to be able to maintain a healthy relationship, and far more likely than most women to try to rip you off financially or level serious criminal accusations against you...or get you caught up in their own problems with the criminal justice system. (As with every generalization, there are many exceptions; but I wouldn't chance it.)
I've observed the same thing. I do my best not to throw people into a category ie; as old, Mexican, homeless, etc. Everyone is an individual and should be treated as such. However I don't abandon commonsense either. Or try not to often anyway. :) There are enough dangers on the road without bringing another with me. lol

Besides, aren't all women a danger to men in one way or another?
Just because something is included in the purchase price doesn't mean you have to partake. I remind myself of this everything I visit a buffet. That is rare nowadays because I can never eat my moneys worth anyway. I don't know how many of you have visited Trees of Mystery in northern California. It is an expensive but fun look at a redwood grove. There are many wood carvings scattered throughout some truly spectacular redwoods. Included in the price is a ride to the top of a high hill on an aerial cable car that is mostly glass. You climb steeply on a cable suspended over the treetops. Now I used to do mountain climbing and some high construction work. It wasn't a problem back then. But I've had 3 skull fractures since then. So I get motion sickness easily now, plus my balance is not as good. Hence my current fear of heights ie. anything over about 100' high. Intellectually I knew I was safe so I took the ride up to the top. About halfway up I started hyperventilating but calmed down before the end. But after exploring the top of the hill and getting the eagle's view of the forest below, I couldn't get back on that cable car! Too freaked out. So I had to climb down a steep hill, using ropes much of the time because of the incline. It took about 45 minutes. Stupid, I know, but I felt more in control of my fate. Made it down safely but a bit dirty from a few little slips along the way.
The roads and parks are somewhat crowded due to the holiday weekend but no big deal for me. No problems finding spots to park at night. Though I did make one mistake in Arcata, I parked next to a rundown mobile home park. There was noise all night long, worse than a truck stop! Lesson learned.
I'm not homesick but it will be good to get back to my home base next weekend. It will be time to catch up with friends, check 3 months worth of mail, and do a little work on my van. Probably my wanderlust will drag me off again after a week or two, though. :)

I was hiking a trail near the beach and had trouble getting by a couple that had a poodle on a leash. The dog was darting back and forth, sniffing everything. I said to the man, "That dog acts like a woman at a clothing store." The guy laughed hard and said that he was going to get a bumper sticker made that said 'My dog is just like my wife.' His wife just glared. lol
Well, I made it back to my home base of Salem Oregon today. One thing about traveling up the Oregon coast, there are 3 casinos available for overnight parking. But if you go in and play, chances are that you will way overpay for the "free" parking! Just outside Reedsport, there was a large herd of elk by the road. I was able to get within 20'. First time I've seen elk up close! Pretty cool. One odd thing was that most of them had 1-4 blackbirds riding on their backs. I assume the birds eat the bugs found in their fur. I saw rain for the first time in 2 months. Welcome back to Oregon! lol
When I checked my po box today, I got a nasty surprise. A ticket from Ventura CA for running a red light a month ago. I remember the time. It was one of those quick-changing signals. I was the third vehicle back, waiting for the light to go green. After it changed, I was halfway thru the intersection and looked up to see the light go from yellow to red. The ticket is for $490. Those red light cameras probably make the city a lot of money. I live on $500 per month. This really sucks! I'll have to pay it of course but this really adds to my dislike of government.
Tough on the ticket. At least you know you did the deed. I bet if you ask you can get payment terms on the ticket.
I'm guilty and I know it. It just seems unfair to take a whole months budget for being a second late getting thru a yellow light. And it would cost too much to drive back there from Oregon to fight it. Live and learn! But thanks to GotSmart for posting those links. I learned a lot from reading them. I've had a half dozen interactions with police in the last few years and none have been positive experiences. So even though I have nothing on my record, I'll keep my head down and avoid contact with government employees as much as possible. Even my relatives that work for the IRS and Justice Dept. :)
Do some research, and contact the court. Sometimes the prosecutor will throw out a ticket when asked certain questions. It is not like they will chase you down for a red light ticket, when you are negotiating on it. By having a clean record, there are times when they will take a reduced amount and no points. I had a friend in a similar situation, and they dropped the fine when they found out the level of income. They are human also, and when someone asks politely they respond well.

It is worth a phone call.

Good luck.
It feels strange being back in my hometown after a few months away. So many relatives and friends wanting my attention or help. I'm not that social but am getting invited to birthday parties, barbeques, sleepovers, etc. Nice to be wanted but people get so nosy! And usually want something from me; rides, babysitting, help with problems, loans, etc. I know, normal problems to deal with, but I've changed some already by embracing this lifestyle. I'm more solitary, less willing to be exploited by so called friends, very protective of my time and space, itching to get on the road to explore new places.
Home is no longer this city but rather wherever my van is parked. Once I finish the work on my van and take care of some business, I plan to continue slow traveling from place to place. Despite my complaints, I have enjoyed catching up with a few friends. Despite many offers of places to stay overnight, it is more comfortable to sleep in my van. Everything I need is within reach.
So, no great adventures lately, just a lot of introspection about living the life and how much to let people take up my time.
Iggy said:
Well, I've been living the vandwelling life for several months now. I've had fun but have made some real booboos along the way. First a little history. In the 80s I traveled for 3 months around the US, living in my Bug. So I knew this life was possible. Over the years I often camped in different vehicles for short times. Last year, thru a bunch of financial and physical misfortunes, I ended up living in a homeless shelter with people who were fresh out of prison or insane asylums. I still had my old work van so I started researching the van life and roughly set up my Ford to start living in it. I did some test runs and in March 2014 went fulltime.
Right away I made a bad mistake. I tried to involve some female friends into my new life. One gal gave me gas money and we went to California together. That didn't work out and I ended up having to bring her back after a week there. Another woman lasted one day until I discovered her drug use. A final one lasted for two weeks but she missed her daily hourlong soak in a tub. All of these women I had been friends with for years but life in a van can fray a friendship quickly. So even though there are others willing to try it with me, I think I'll run solo for now.
I've put on many more miles than I intended to, primarily due to those women. I've been to eastern Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and California. That is going to change. I prefer slow traveling. In fact, if I like a place, I want to be able to stay for awhile. I stayed in Ventura CA for a few weeks and should have stayed longer. But I need to be back in Salem Oregon by June 1st to take care of some business so that's where I'm headed now.
It is getting easier to find a place to park for the night. It takes a bit to develop a knack for that and to be able to relax enough to sleep well. It helps to realize what kind of towns that I enjoy being in. So I do some research online before arriving. If it is between 2000 to 50,000 in population, has a ocean/lake/river and a library, I'm happy.
I tend to relate best with homeless people but have to keep my guard up. They think I'm rich because I have a running vehicle to sleep in and so want to mooch off of me. Several gals wanted to move in too. I can't afford to support others. Plus I'm ocd about keeping my van neat and organized. That is usually a source of tension with everyone I've been with.
I have some tentative plans for the future but a lot depends on my finances, the weather, and more research. It is possible that I can pick up some odd jobs too. More later......

Although my dad died when I was 9, I recall him telling me "Son, don't trust anything that can bleed for 5 days and not die." I have since realized what he was telling me.

Glad you found that out too.