Just a quick note. I've been intending to share this with the forum. <br><br>I have been using GoldBond baby powder for about 15 years. It's cheap compared to the roll-ons and isn't affected by heat or cold. You don't have to use much and it always works and it's not sticky. And guys it isn't perfumed. <br><br>There are also store brands that might be a slight bit cheaper. I remember having to get some at a Target when I forgot to bring my supply.<br><br>Note: it's not an anti-perspirent so it doesn't clog the pores. It just stops the smell.<br><br>Here's a pic....<br><br><img rel="lightbox" src="/<a" class="bbc_img"><img rel="lightbox" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8512/8415940255_656a3b6c7b_z.jpg" class="bbc_img">
Put some in your hand then rub your pits/other parts. Just like baby powder etc.<br><br>In a pinch ive used shower to shower or baby powder before. They don't cut it in heavy perspiration tho.