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Apr 25, 2017
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I've just recently came across youtube videos about RV living and am very interested in finding out more about how to get started etc...
I'm in my 50's and unemployed at this time and finding it very hard to continue paying a mortgage & utilities every month. My only
vehicle is a compact car , which is all I can afford @ this time. So, I'm not sure if living in it would be possible, it's very small..lol
And, I'm pretty much on my own in this whole thing so afraid of making a bad decision and going off the deep end  :( Any,
advise would be appreciated! Thanks Rain  :heart:
Hi RainDancer and welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear about the hard time your having. Not sure where in the US you are, but if you're not positive about mobile living, there are cheap rooms for rent in the areas I have lived. Are you working with a budget in mind? What area(s) do you plan on hanging out in? Have you "camped" before(extended)? Hmmm, lots of questions, see what more information you can comfortably present and if there's ideas out there, the peeps here will have some possible solutions. Best of luck to you and I hope you find a situation you can be happy\content with.
I'm currently living in a city in the Northeast and not a fan of it. I came here 20 years ago with my husband was transferred with his job and haven't ever really been happy here. I do love being relatively close to the mountains and the shore but not a fan of the city. It's just too crowded and overwhelming for me. So, I'm open to relocating if possible. I've never camped for more than a few weeks and that was tent camping and I've stayed in cabins and yurts in the state parks but nothing extended. I do have a lot of questions too but not even sure where to start..lol
Welcome aboard Rain !
There is a LOT of stuff already posted here that you can read and ask any questions you have as you go along.
Follow new threads that seem like you might be interested in too .

AND as a member you can post comments/answers if you have any.
For your questions, look at all the subforum and put them according to topic. Use the search here to see what has already been posted. If the search engine here doesnt help me, I use google search to search this site by typing the following into google...

site:cheaprvliving.com whatIwantsearchedforhere

Hopefully that's understandable.
Welcome to the CRVL forums RainDancer28!  It is possible to live in a compact car but you might want to buy a tent and use it as a backup. Have you considered where you would like to go if you do relocate? Do you have any job prospects in your area?  There are jobs available that will allow you to travel part time even though they don't pay a lot. Check this forum - https://vanlivingforum.com/Forum-Money-Matters-Jobs-Banking-Budgeting

 To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome Rain! You're really going to have to figure out your budget! You said you're paying mortgage... are you planning on selling your house? Would you be able to set yourself up with a bigger vehicle then? Lots of folks here to answer questions, so ask away!!
RainDancer28 said:
I've just recently came across youtube videos about RV living and am very interested in finding out more about how to get started etc...
I'm in my 50's and unemployed at this time and finding it very hard to continue paying a mortgage & utilities every month. My only
vehicle is a compact car , which is all I can afford @ this time. So, I'm not sure if living in it would be possible, it's very small..lol
And, I'm pretty much on my own in this whole thing so afraid of making a bad decision and going off the deep end  :( Any,
advise would be appreciated! Thanks Rain  :heart:

Welcome!  I am new too and in a very similar situation as you, except I have a sick, elderly cat I will need to take with me.  Have you watched all of Bob Well's videos on Youtube already?

Sandi :heart:
Check out the video on you tube about Dee living in a car on $800 a month and subscribe to cheaprvling on you tube.  All your answers  can be found on Bobs videos.  Hope this helps.  RainDancer28 said:
I've just recently came across youtube videos about RV living and am very interested in finding out more about how to get started etc...
I'm in my 50's and unemployed at this time and finding it very hard to continue paying a mortgage & utilities every month. My only
vehicle is a compact car , which is all I can afford @ this time. So, I'm not sure if living in it would be possible, it's very small..lol
And, I'm pretty much on my own in this whole thing so afraid of making a bad decision and going off the deep end  :( Any,
advise would be appreciated! Thanks Rain  :heart:
XFILE36 said:
Welcome!  I am new too and in a very similar situation as you, except I have a sick, elderly cat I will need to take with me.  Have you watched all of Bob Well's videos on Youtube already?

Sandi :heart:

I'm sorry to hear about you cat. I've watched quite a few of his videos. They're really helpful. Just so much to consider and think about. Rain :heart:
AbuelaLoca said:
Welcome Rain! You're really going to have to figure out your budget! You said you're paying mortgage... are you planning on selling your house? Would you be able to set yourself up with a bigger vehicle then? Lots of folks here to answer questions, so ask awa
I'm on the title to the house but the mortgage is in my husband's name and he's not around much anymore. So, can't sell it without his signing off and he's being very difficult about that issue right now. So, trying 
to sort all that out legally right now. It's a headache! Yeah, I'd like a bigger vehicle but not sure if it's wise to purchase another one at this moment. Maybe, next year? Just kind of in limbo over the house right now. I appreciate your asking. Thanks so much and take care , Rain :heart:
Living in a car is very hard for most of us! But if you just have no choice here are some suggestions:

  1. A good night's sleep is your top priority so I suggest experimenting with it, trying every possible combination to get a flat bed long enough to sleep in. Move everything that can be moved and be creative, but try to creat a half-way decent bed.
  2. The best thing you can probably do is take out the passenger seat, that will free up a lot of space and allow you to use 2x4's for legs and plywood to make the longest bed you can.
  3. Then I would look for a way to remove the back seats. Sometimes it's impossible, but try.
  4. If you can't remove any of the seats, lay them all down and see if you can lay a piece of plywood with short legs of varying height to make it level and give you storage under them.
  5. I think a backpackers self-inflating pad is your best bet for a mattress for comfort and warmth and folds away to nothing. Thermrest and REI make the best ones. Expensive but worth it.
  6. You'll need privacy so I recommend Reflectix for the windows. One side leave silver the other spray paint flat black. Show the silver side during the day and at night switch them with the opposite side window so the black is facing out. A cheaper but not as good option is to use cardboard in the same way but cover one side with aluminum foil. They can both probably be cut slightly large and just compression fitted into the window.
  7. Put a travel curtain rod between the front and back to put up a black divider curtain.
  8. Organization will be critical and for that I recommend duffel bags because as you empty things they get smaller. They are also much easier to fit into odd-sized and shaped places saving critical space. But plastic boxes and drawers can work as well, just a preference. 
  9. For a stove, I recommend this one: http://amzn.to/2mxtVR7 It's tiny, well made and uses both propane and butane. You can cook inside if you have room and if not it will be easy to go to a park and cook.
  10. Get a gym membership for showers.
  11. You'll need a pee pot so you can pee in the car. Getting in and out to much will make it obvious you live in it. A 2-3 gallon bucket for emergency pooping in the van. Most of the time you will use public restrooms.
  12. A small wash basin and wet wipes for cleaning in-between showers. 
  13. You can get a box at the UPS Store to get your mail. You'll also need a resident address but you can just keep using your old address but change the mailing address to the UPS Store. Anything that accidentally goes to the old address will get forwarded.
  14. While you are still in a home, get a passport and copies of all your documents if they are missing. You'll need your birth certificate and Social Security card.
  15. If you don't already have an Enhanced Drivers License, get one now while still in a home. After you are out it will be much harder. Just use the UPS Store as your mailing address.
  16. If you are boondocking you'll want to set up an outside camp to give you some space to breath. A table, campstove and chair will greatly enhance your life. If you are stuck in a city they can still be used at a park to get out of the car.