Hi, from NC

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Jul 28, 2018
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Hi. My name is Jennifer (or Jenny). I'm a middle-aged person, and I'm enjoying being single after spending my entire life tied down with family and job obligations. Finally, I'm free to roam - some. I've lurked here a while and I've seen most of Bob's videos on YouTube (Thank you Bob!). I'm in the process of figuring out how to get rid of my stuff (I have a LOT)

I'm buying a used 80s model 28' Holiday Ramblette to live in full time with my mastiff and 3 cats. I'm going to buy a larger travel trailer asap because we are going to be a little crowded at first. Having a few more feet of length and a couple of slide outs would be better for us.

I'm not traveling the country yet. I've worked from home for many years, my business is portable, but I do have to stay in NC. I'm looking for a year-round site with water and electricity preferably, on the coast or barrier islands of North Carolina. They are very expensive but I have to have power for my computers and keeping the camper at as much of a consistent temperature as I can. I have MS so I have a lot of challenges (e.g. I can't tolerate extreme temperatures). Fortunately, I'm experienced camping and roughing it, even though I can't rough it presently. My biggest challenge now is accommodating my disability. If I could I would travel much lighter. Hope I can do that later.

Why am I doing this? #1: I need a place to live that's paid for; #2: I've lived in the Piedmont my entire life and I want to live near the ocean; #3: I hate being tied down. My career is a necessity until I can save some money. #4: I am not sure where I want to put down roots permanently. I've tried several times and failed. I've had MS since I was in my teens and relapses have cost me greatly. I've had enough of losing houses I've invested in. If I were younger I certainly would do things much differently.

I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of you and making new friends.
Welcome to the forum Jenny, it's great to have you here.
Thank you, Riverman. Maybe I should call myself "Ocean Woman". I'm excited to finally post in here!

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Welcome Jenny to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hiya Jenny....

im in wilmington NC and planning and collecting thing I need to go full time this fall.... nice to have one more North Carolinian on board....

I have a 92lb German Shedder that will be traveling with me

German Shedder. That's funny. I don't know when I'm going to hit the road, but I'm coming your way. I WAS going to Okracoke for a while but did you hear about the alligator problem? <shiver> They would eat my camper.

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Jennymsolo said:
German Shedder. That's funny. I don't know when I'm going to hit the road, but I'm coming your way. I WAS going to Okracoke for a while but did you hear about the alligator problem? <shiver> They would eat my camper.

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nope didnt hear about that.... I lead a sheltered life LOL.... until I hit the road anyway...
If you're inland you are probably okay. Maybe park that bike where they can't eat the tires, and keep the German Sheddar inside.

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Jennymsolo said:
If you're inland you are probably okay. Maybe park that bike where they can't eat the tires, and keep the German Sheddar inside.

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Im 1/4 mile from the coast... Im sure there are gators around... but havent seen any myself....yet... :)
WanderingBiker said:
Im 1/4 mile from the coast... Im sure there are gators around... but havent seen any myself....yet... :)

I've heard they taste like chicken.

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I was raised in Kinston, went to school there, etc.. and after coming home from 8 yrs in the Navy, my Father and I opened a Western Auto Store in Farmville. but after about 7 or 8 years I could not take being tied down anymore and I "Ran away from home"..

I spent the next ten years wandering (camping) America and ended up in Nevada.
For a lot if years after leaving NC I dreamed of going back and living on the coast where my family's beach house was and my sister taught school in Cape Carteret.. but things changed so much in NC during those years I spent wandering that I could never go back there to live..

For one thing, NC is a very expensive place to live, with all those taxes.. city taxes, county taxes, state taxes, sale taxes ..

added to that, NC now charges you to fish in the ocean.. a fishing license for salt water.. that is just plain stupid..

The only tax we have in Nevada is a sales tax... no state income tax, no county tax, no city tax.. The only sad thing is we don't have the ocean to enjoy.

When I lived in NC the only fishing license you needed was a state fishing license for $7.50 that allowed you to fish anywhere in NC.. and there was no license of any kind required to fish within your own county.

I went back to visit family in NC a few times over the years but each time I could hardly wait to come back to Nevada.

Yes I sometimes miss NC, but with all the changes to what was once the "good Life" ... oh well ... deep sigh.

Like the sign I wrote had hanging in my office for many years " change does not necessarily mean better"

Hi, John.

I agree it has really changed. I bought a truck battery last week and I was really aggravated that I had to pay 7% Kannapolis tax. That was $11 on top. We've had tax on food here my entire life. I think that's wrong.

I've seriously thought about leaving but the states I'm interested in can be more expensive. SC used to be much less expensive but they've messed that up in recent years.

I don't know what the solution is, except to get rid of all politicians.

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"get rid of all the politicians"  … heh heh heh .. I'm all for that..

Holy Cow, I thought all states had done away with food taxes except for "prepared and served" food like at a restaurant.

Like a lot of Americans I'm not much on "Federal Intervention", but in the case of taxes on food (groceries) I think there should be a law forbidding any tax on basic needs like food and medicine.

it's truly a shame but as long as there are politicians there will always be greed and corruption..

I agree. We should not have to pay taxes on necessities. I'm going to leave the subject of politics now in order to avoid it bringing out a huge never ending thread of debates lol

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Jenny, you might look at Jerry Minchey's site.  He's quite an experienced and savvy mobile soul. I get the impression he has been spending half the year more or less in NC for many years.  And there's a Discussion Forum on his site as well.
Jennymsolo said:
I agree. We should not have to pay taxes on necessities. I'm going to leave the subject of politics now in order to avoid it bringing out a huge never ending thread of debates lol

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I agree..

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