Hello from California and still dreaming of the van life

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
I am from the SF bay area and have been dreaming of the mobile lifestyle for a over a year and half now. I looked at many mobile living options until realizing a Skoolie was the best in terms of space, cost, and unconventionality. However, as I dreamed about it; I realized as a student with no drivers license and not a lot of money, I would first have to live in a van to get the necessary driving experience and save enough money to achieve my eventual goal. So I am dreaming of living in an extended hi-top van; with comforts like a shower and sink. All while looking stealth on the outside; and having my home on the inside. The only thing stopping me at this point is having the money.
Money is kind of important. get yourself an income first. And welcome. 
Hello and welcome.&nbsp; We're a diverse group.&nbsp; Income isn't too imporant in the dreaming phase.&nbsp; Hang out, catch the enthusiasm and things will eventually come together.&nbsp; Have fun!<br /><br />V.T.
Welcome!<br>Yep, money is an issue. Well, keep your eyes open. There's opportunities out there one never knows.
welcome! When you get a van.. Come on down to Santa Cruz. The place is very vandweller friendly!
Welcome! Dreaming can lead to doing/have---so keep dreaming! Unfortunately, money is usually a necessity(usually)....good luck with that and follow your dreams :)

well, your dreams sound do-able enough, but not just money, I'd think you might wanna address that lack of a drivers license issue. If you wanna live in a vehicle, then it's probably best to have onna those. :D

Busses are great, and there are a number of folks on here who also live in 'em.

Welcome to the forum!

Patrick from Oregon
Dreams become reality with action. This phase is important but find yourself some kind of part time job if you are in school. Save some of it. Remember always pay yourself first but pay your bills for sure. If you don't plan to drive a lot it doesn't take much of a van. I worked out there a few years ago and the climate there is kind to vehicles. There are many older vehicles cheap. Find someone that can help you find a decent one if you've no experience with vehicles.

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