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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2012
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Just found this site recently and I gotta say I have learned alot from it. Thanks to you Bob for such a great site and everyone else for your input. I plan on starting my travels next month. I will be traveling to where the work happens to be at the time. And living in my van part time (or full time depending on how it goes). I have a 2003 E-150 conversion Van.  
Welcome Rollin,<br>Sounds like you're on you way to being set up already. <br>Good luck in your travels.<br><br>gus<br><br>
Thanks ! I will admit I'm a little nervous&nbsp;about&nbsp;the whole situation. But like they say when life hands you lemons you got to turn it into&nbsp;lemon-aid&nbsp;(or&nbsp;something&nbsp;like that)
just remember to get good solid rig and remember too that size matters.Oh my!!<br>In this case small is a good thing. Makes life less complicated.<br>My opinion of course!<br>gus<br><br>
welcome to our little corner of the Funny Farm....good to have you,<br>Bri<br><br>

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