Hello all: I am Morgan in San Diego!

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2013
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<span style="font-family: georgia,palatino; font-size: large; color: #333333;">Hi guys, Just arrived at this site and pretty sure I'll be around for a while in this corner of cyber space!&nbsp; </span><br><span style="font-family: georgia,palatino; font-size: large; color: #333333;">Here's my current situation in a nutshell:&nbsp; I'll be turning 65 this October and I'm still single. (but very available)&nbsp; I feel old beyond my years due to health issues and stress!&nbsp; I began caring for my aging father in this house in 2000 before he passed away and then purchased the home and property in 2004.&nbsp; Coming up on 10 years now and my work in construction is long gone.&nbsp; I own a small pool route as a pool service contractor but it has been diminished beyond usefulness due to folks loosing their jobs and their homes!</span><br><span style="font-family: georgia,palatino; font-size: large; color: #333333;">About stress: I'm still looking for the funds to finish the remodel on this old house that began nearly 10 years ago and now realize it ain't gonna' happen!&nbsp; San Diego life ha$ turned into a Mark Twain quote!</span><br><span style="font-family: georgia,palatino; font-size: large; color: #333333;"><strong>I love my home but have wondered what it would be like to actually live within my means.</strong>&nbsp; </span><br><br><span style="font-family: georgia,palatino; font-size: large; color: #333333;">In conclusion I am at a threshold point between the love of my home and the stress that comes with it and the concept of de-stressing my life and living within my financial means.</span>
Welcome to the senior corner HEHE just turned 65 myself, "Ah the golden years" I have trouble doing things I would not have even thought about "before" . Welcome you with open arms and good advice. I am in San Francisco talk about cha ching$$$$.
Almost the same situation here but I'm ONLY 58 right now. I bought out family members and have my mothers old house right now. Bad idea but my wife wanted it so I made it happen. There were two remodels started at different times on this place and neither one was ever completed. I'm in rough shape and Cathy is in the last stages of a neurological problem that took our oldest at 24. I am just barely able to help Cathy with making her comfortable and potty chair and stuff like that. I will never be able to fix this place up and my disability check will be very small when Cathy's stops after she passes so I won't be able to have it fixed. I thinking about selling and getting a camper or motor home and moving to the west coast, or close to it.
Welcome Morgan, and&nbsp;hi &nbsp;Terry and Wagoneer.<BR>Some of you folks have weathered so many storms, no wonder you feel used up. I think once we have only ourselves to care for, and no, I don't think its wrong or selfish, we may feel better and younger again. &nbsp;Stress takes its toll.
OK for starters, sometimes on these forums, the coding is set up so the response goes at the end of the string and other times it goes to or under the persons comments to whom you wish to respond.&nbsp; Never being able to know for sure, I'll just say thanks to both Terry and Wagoneer for your great responses.<br><br>Terry, your life is much more complicated than mine as I have managed to stay single (lonely at times, or so my dog tells me) and you have so much on your plate that I could not conceptualize having to cope with mortgage world and the ridiculous economy related issues we all face. &nbsp;<br>I feel a kinship with you and this is just what I've been searching for.&nbsp; You never know, perhaps some day soon we'll all be sitting round a campfire together smiling at each other. &lt;^..^&gt;<br><br>Wagoneer, We are at 2 key cities in the not so golden state.&nbsp; I would love to meet up some day soon.&nbsp; Not sure where the winds of change will take me but I feel close to something really great.&nbsp; As a multi instrumentalist musician and songwriter, I long for a way to just ride my bike, rollerblade and play music for the duration.&nbsp; I know I can make this happen and I also know that the stress of home ownership at this point is a balancing act that must be seen as finite!&nbsp; I will create a new existence that works for me.&nbsp; Take care and I hope to have some communication with you both in the days ahead, Morgan
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong></span>
Welcome, Morgan! Another oldtimer here (66), also a San Diegan. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I've been trying and failing to save up for a van. Seems like there's a disaster or a stupid decision that derails me every month, but I'm starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm lucky that I no longer have a house to worry about -- the one I had was a millstone that I was glad to get rid of years ago. Now, I'm in a small apartment that I share with my son and his wife. The plan is for them to take it over when I leave on my big adventure. I've been planning for a year now, and I'm getting antsy!
Hi La Vonne,Thanks for the great welcome.&nbsp; You sound interesting.&nbsp; Love Big Bertha!&nbsp; She will really take care of you I can tell you that for sure.&nbsp; Excellent job on the vehicle selection!&nbsp; Congrats on the book too.&nbsp; I love to write as well.&nbsp; I'll bet you'll be writing lot's when your adventure begins.&nbsp; Hell that's a book in itself isn't it...&nbsp; I've got some articles and stories on the Yahoo site.&nbsp; I learned about it from this site.&nbsp; There is a dude who drove down to Panama in a C class I think it was and he's a writer as well.<br>I write music :::&nbsp;&nbsp; http://12gaugemusic.com/<br>And practice the lost art of HTML <br>hand coding ::: http://www.morganchambers.us/ ::: http://truckchef.com/ ::: &nbsp; http://rsdpool.com/<br>Hope to talk again some time ::: Morgan in East County San Diego
Hello and welcome. This must be the ole farts corner.

I'm about in the same situation. 67, live in a rural area and work in Tallahassee during the week. Commute to the farm, 100 miles one way, to mow the grass etc.

Working on a BlueBird Wanderlodge, 1979, as I get the chance. Main wish is to sell the place and go full time. My wife waned a farm, so no ties here for me. Wife passed almost 10 years ago. Kids all married or divorced.

The farm house needs work that I really don't want to do. It's time for me now. Besides living in another city during the the week just to to make third of what I used to make has no appeal.

So you've found a home of like minded people. Welcome again.
Good Morning from San Diego ::: The center of the universe if you love driving with idiots!<br>Boy do I understand the statement "the farm needs work that I don't want to do!"&nbsp; I love my house but I've been working on the inside for nearly 10 years now and still when you pull up outside it just looks like it's ready to fall on you if you get too close to it...&nbsp; so sad really because it was once a very nice little home..<br><br>Your situation sounds so much like so many of us..&nbsp; I think seniors have been going rvING for decades because they <strong>want to</strong> but in today's crazy world, folks are doing it to survive.&nbsp; A shame about the politicians but let's leave the morons out of this corner of the forum..&nbsp; Old Farts eh??&nbsp; Well I'd rather be an old fart than a young jackass and that's all I see in today's youth.&nbsp; Poor blindfolded little monkeys think the Founding Fathers created the microchip!!!<br><br>You know, I was just sitting here working on one of my web sites and I had a thought.&nbsp; There has to be a huge community of people just like me that are longing to see a bit of more of their hard earned $$$ in the bank instead of always down to $2.00 at the end of each month or worse!<br>And then I found Bob's site...&nbsp; The people here are so real and so grounded.&nbsp; This site can get you back on track if that's what you really want.&nbsp; I have an 18 year old cat which I'm nursing every day and an old Black Lab that has got to be about 10 but she's still so young spirited.&nbsp; Once my kitty kicks the bucket I'll feel a lot more ready to blast off..<br>I've seen those Bluebird's on eBay and Craig's List.&nbsp; I'm really curious about doing the "bus" thing.<br>The Bluebirds are all converted buses aren't they?&nbsp; It seems to me that unless you can afford one of those 200K land yachts, the bus conversions are the strongest way to go.&nbsp; For instance, the Winabego's appear to be constructed out of Graham Crackers..&nbsp; I've seen them after they've been involved in accidents and they look so wafery.&nbsp; Buses are just big ass semi's with flat sides and seats inside. &nbsp; Here are some I found.. &nbsp; http://sandiego.craigslist.org/sear...ry=bus&amp;srchType=A&amp;minAsk=&amp;maxAsk=<br><br>Well thanks for the friendly welcome and I will hope to chat with you again.&nbsp; The one thing I think that would just be great fun would be staying in touch with a bunch of us here on this site and then all of us meeting up someday out there..&nbsp; We could make a convoy!&nbsp; Take care and get to work on your beautiful Wander Lodge!&nbsp; Morgan
@Morgan, Big Bertha was a van I planned to buy and then changed my mind about. The skeevy used car dealer selling it made me think twice, but I do plan on getting a full-sized van when I save up the $.&nbsp;<br><br>As for writing, yes that's the plan. I like to think of this adventure as a private writer's retreat.
La Vonne,&nbsp; I saw that bus myself...&nbsp; It's really clean inside.&nbsp; It is a great length with plenty of head room and you are correct, the price is right...&nbsp; Perhaps they will help you out somehow..&nbsp; you should call them up and go look at it...&nbsp; Morgan
No phone # listed, so I emailed a bunch of questions. Who knows, maybe they'll take payments.