TV reception is a funny thing.
Before I insulated my fiberglass roof with foil faced foam, I used to have an antenna near my ceiling and got a few fuzzy stations, after insulation, no reception from inside the Van no matter how strong the signal.
I bought one of those boomerang antennas for a 'flush' roof mount, but when testing it, I found it had horrid reception, and sent it back.
When OTA TV went to digital I bought a new digital 12v TV, then made an Antenna in a tiered bowtie set up. My Area still uses all the VFH hi stations, 7 to 13, so I added 2 sets of rabbit ears, and this antenna pretty much grabs any available signal, and I would have something like 35 english speaking stations to watch, and more than double that if we include Spanish and Asian language.
I have an F connector through the body of my Van, and this tiered Antenna was on one of those extendable tarp poles. I would use spring clamps to hold it to my Spare tire carrier, and the Antenna's top would be 14 feet in the air.
Antistealth, but I do not require it.
I would unclamp the antenna and unscrew the F connector and leave the antenna behind when i went somewhere as it is too big and bulky to carry around.
I wanted a travel antenna though. I was willing to lose a lot of stations, and I bought this antenna just to stick onto my F connector
I expected only the 2 strongest stations to come in, but I still got over a Dozen stations and some of them at the same strength as my huge antenna 14 feet off the ground.
A later added another F connector to my Solar panel frame, and put another of this same antenna on it. I have a splitter inside and can choose either antenna, and orient them a bit differently. Generally the F connector through the metal body of the Van gets better reception.
I have not bothered hooking my huge 14 foot tall antenna to my Van since.
These small telescopic single rabbit ear antennas do not thread on, they are a friction fit. Mine have stayed put at 85+ mph, and while easy enough to pluck off and walk away with, no one ever has.
I did try an inexpensive Signal booster, inline and close to antenna head, two different products, and both of them caused significantly worse reception.
What makes the biggest improvements in signal quality in my experience, is Using quality RG-6 co axial cable with Quad shielding, instead of rg-59, and making sure the connection ends are pristine. I use Caig Deoxit to clean the connectors of oxidation and then Caig Deoxit shield to protect them and enhance conductivity.
These exterior F connectors still oxidize out in the elements, and when I notice strong stations are no longer strong, another application of Deoxit on the cable ends usually restores reception, but weather has a huge effect on reception too.
I find that a dry atmosphere kills my reception, but foggy weather and I start getting everything.
Running an Autoscan at sunset seems to yield the most stations, but many of these disappear after sundown.
An exterior antenna is the opposite of stealth in most cases, but if one really wants reception in an area with marginal OTA signals, there is no other way.
Also note the position of the van/RV when the antenna makes huge differences. I can move my van's ass end 1 foot further west and get channel 15 at full strength, but not get it at all before moving. When I know I want a certain weaker channel on a certain night, I have found which position on the property on which I park has the best chance of getting that signal, and 6 inches NSE or W makes or breaks the reception on certain stations.
Tv antennas optimized for DTV, basically mean optimized for UHF signals, which means smaller Elements, where as VHF low( channels 2-6, now rarely used) and VHF High (channels 7 to 13) require longer antenna elements.
You can see the stations available in your area Here:
Also know that digital channel 10.1 might be broadcast on actual channel 38 so one would require a UHF optimized antenna for it rather than a VHF antenna that actual channel 10 would require.