One Awesome Inch said:
Keeping things clean is super important. I wash all my bedding every week and buy a new pillow every month. I've read that alot of vandwellers have a funky smelling van. Is that true? I'm trying to avoid that.
I don't know where you've been reading but I'm sure that 'some' vandwellers end up with funky smelling vans but it's their own fault.
A van is like any room in a house, if you keep it closed up all the time and input funky smells, you'll have a funky smelling room/van.
If you smoke, you'll end up with a van full of smoke odours. If you don't wash your socks, you'll end up with a dirty sock smell! If you spend all night expelling gas, yes, you'll end up with a funky smelling van!!
Washing your sheets weekly is something that should be done anyways. Count the number of hours that that bedding is next to your skin and think about it...would you wear your underwear that many hours...I sure hope not. Comforters or blankets need to be aired out regularly as well.
Buying a new pillow each month is most likely overkill unless you slobber a lot in your sleep...
If all you do is hop in and drive the closed up van from one spot to another and then spend hours in it with the doors and windows all closed you're going to end up picking up some smell or other, either from food or something. If you go from work to a park area and have the doors open for a while, you're doing the same thing as opening the windows in a room at home...airing it out.
Drive with the window open!