Flexible panels

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May 7, 2020
Reaction score
Headed for New Mexico
I have watched a couple of videos about flexible panels and how you can use adhesive to hold them to your roof with minimal holes in my roof, I know I won't be able to put a whole lot on my roof as I am in a 1985 Ford class B turtle top but I only have 1 roof vent so want to put as much as I can up there, hopefully around 500 watts from what I have been reading so I don't have to run my motor so much to charge my batteries. Has anyone here used flexible panels and what did you think of them? Also can anyone suggest someplace where I can get them installed on my way west as I am 79 years old and am definitely not going to attempt to climb up on my roof. I used to be able to keep my batteries charged moving around Atlanta, but don't plan on doing as much moving once I get out west. I know I am going to need power as my appliances are all 12 volt.
Cool install! Do you remember where you ordered the flexible panels from? Did everything work out with the velcro mounting system?
I got them from Amazon IIRC but the memory ain't so great anymore:( The velcro is still holding well. I am thinking the little airgap I made between panel and roof has been a help. No real data on it though. I think I put in the install that they are WindyNation panels. Vendor would be a choice.