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Jun 8, 2016
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Hi Everyone!
I joined this forum not too long ago but have resisted posting.  I came here through the suggestion of a friend who has been living the van life, etc. I was looking for information (and also enjoying Bob's videos on YouTube).  Such a wealth of info here!

This life style is something I had been looking at for years and the dream has morphed many times.

I find myself in my 50s, recently unemployed, very little savings and living in NYC (most of my earnings went to housing and the cost of living here).  I haven't owned a vehicle for 10 years.  The last few months I've been downsizing, knowing I would have to leave NYC and doing my best to save as much money as possible (which wasn't much).

Today I leave NYC to stay with friends in TX... start my life over again.  I'm lucky I have friends that offered to have me stay (and I'll also be dog sitting for them while they're away next month).

My goal is to find employment so I can at least buy a vehicle (possibly a cargo van or minivan I can convert). I'm looking at jobs through Coolworks that offer room and board so I can focus on saving money.

A new life starts today!
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :) 

It sounds like you may have had an epiphany after watching Bob's video, "Without Bounds".   Most people do
once they realize what a revolving door the American Dream has become.

But I'd say you could get a new start in your life in Texas and with your work ethic you'd be able to find work
and a Vehicle that would serve your needs there. 

Long ago my Grandmother used to watch a TV show called Chips.  It was about a couple of motorcycle cop's
where one of them owned and lived in an RV parked in a Trailer Park.  (there ARE nice ones and some more for seniors)   His partner joked with him about his living arrangements and was told that if he was to find a better job in another city all he'd have to do is fire up the RV, disconnect the water, sewage, and electrical connections and drive away.   Grandmother was amazed at the possibilities in that.  She thought it would be a lot cheaper than apartment rental and a person could probably save up some money to get bank rolled. 

Then once with some savings the RV could be sold and a Van found to fix up to live in once you don't want to
stay in a "regular job", and are ready to work short term jobs while traveling. 

What type of work do you do ?

And welcome to the Forum and your new life.  Check my websites for ideas too.
Hi eDJ -
What type of work?  That's a tall order!  I worked in the Broadway industry for more than 29 years (for producers, management, front of house) but I started out as a performer.  I guess you could say a lot of it revolves around customer service dealing with folks visiting NYC from all over the world so I don't think I would have too much of a problem working in a resort.  I have basic computer skills but could always learn more.  I have also worked as a nurse but haven't worked in a hospital setting for almost 20 years.  The bulk of my experience was as a school nurse but haven't done that for 6 years.  I let my license slide as I had no intention of every going back to work for that system again...

I have skills and I play nice with others!

And thanks for the pep talk!  I remember that show Chips but somehow had forgotten one of the characters lived in a trailer!
LinderLou! Welcome to the CRVL forums! I'm glad you're here and joined us. there's plenty of people that want to help ou realiize your dream, on the forum

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to CRVL and welcome to Texas, if maybe a little early
job market here is pretty good and you got skills, you should do well, heck, all I need is a strong back and a weak mind to pull down $13 an hour, and in my part of Texas, you can actually live and save on that
I've seen the 'house flip' shows they do in NYC and I thought
"how in the world can anyone afford to live there?
Another "Welcome to Texas" from the Dallas-Ft Worth area. Jobs are easy to find, tho they won't be much more than entry level unless you have skill that is needed. Cost of living is much cheaper than where you are at, As Art said,13 an hour and you can survive fairly well. Let us know where you land , I have a couple of employment agencies near me that seem to be okay.
Came across this thread after viewing some youtube videps on enigmatic nomadics channel with Bob.  Living here in Austin, TX is SO expensive now. 

No rig to really live out of save for my paid for low mileage (90k) 20 year old Acura Integra (basically just
a Civic.)and a tent.  Done it many times before for a few weeks, but never long term.

Would like a Tacoma/camper rig like I saw on youtube.  Guess I need to start working and save up for one.
Thank you for the Texas welcome!! 

I have visited my friends there a few times over the last couple years and have always loved the time I spent there.  I will be in the DFW area (outskirts of Ft. Worth).  I feel very lucky to have friends welcoming me into their home while I reinvent myself.  First project is helping them build a workshop in their backyard.  They had someone put up the shell but I offered to help install the flooring, cabinets, painting, etc.  I figure that will be a good way to get used to building things again.  I've always been handy with home repair and maintenance but perhaps this is an opportunity for skill development when it comes time to build my own camper-van.  That is unless I can find a great used rig like a Roadtrek at a price I can afford! ;)  I'm am open to the possibilities!
Hello and welcome to CRVL.  I'd welcome you to Texas also however tho born and raised in Dallas I moved away in 2005.  I lived in Grapevine TX for many years and have a 93yr old aunt still living in her own home in Temple  TX.  
 It sounds like you have numerous skills and aren't afraid to work to get what you need.

Good Luck in your new venture.     Jewellann

P.S. This may not apply to you.  Once when I became unemployed in SD I applied for SD un-enployment benefits.  I was approved and moved to TX to look for work and was still able to draw my SD benefits.  I was Designated as a dis-located worker and applied for and recieved free computor training.   This was a looooooong time ago.  Just thought I'd put it out there.   TJB
skyemaster said:
No rig to really live out of save for my paid for low mileage (90k) 20 year old Acura Integra (basically just
a Civic.)and a tent.  Done it many times before for a few weeks, but never long term.

Nice to have you, here, skyemaster. if you start you're own introduction thread we'll welcome and enourage and enable you, too!
Linderlou and Skyemaster , hop on board the good ship CRVL......vandwelling is now at your fingertips!
So I've been here in Fort Worth almost a month, applying to jobs. Had an offer from Amazon a couple days ago... was going to take it thinking it would be a great way to meet the seasonal/work camper folks and save for a van. On my way home from the fulfillment center the day before, I drove over an overpass on the way home (taking surface streets) and saw the traffic... bumper to bumper backed up for miles! I would be in that everyday.

I got that sickening feeling in my stomach... Did I just move halfway across the country, trading one circus for another?? That's not what I signed up for! Might be a completely different experience if I were a workcamper and only had a short distance to travel for work!

Same day I got the offer from Amazon, had a great phone interview with the GM for a small resort in Kanab, UT (found through coolworks). She needed housekeepers to help finish out the season (mid Nov). She gave me an offer that day, very low cost housing offered as well ($3/day). This felt so much more in alignment with what I want and accepted.

Headed to Utah in a week!! Looks like there are a ton of fabulous things to see in the area. Can't wait to see what's in store. One step closer to saving for that van!!
Sounds like you found a good one far away from the city grind !
Amazon does have some other fulfillment centers that are more rural.
Happy Trails.
National Park concessionaires have jobs with cheap housing and meals too.
Look for Xanterra and Delaware North.
I've driven through or around Kanab a number of times. There are so many wondrous natural areas within a day's drive of there that you will never suffer for somewhere interesting to go on your days off.

However, I will say it is sort of the other end of the scale from what living in NYC is like. The town has fewer than 5,000 people. I can't picture where a "resort" is in the town but I did not do a search on it. If you want out of traffic jams as a goal, you are headed in the right direction for sure. LOL

For some "miniature" city life, St. George is not all that far away. Some great but casual restaurants like the Painted Pony. Wow, feeling envy now as I sure miss living in that region.