Elo Elo... heading out on the 15th...

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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Well life is fickle, some times cruel but ya gotta play the cards you are dealt... I am to stay in the PNW natl forests till Sept and the head south down the west coast and try to stay warm for the winter... New Mexico may be a temp destination till the spring when I will head North into the Cascades for the summer months...<br><br>I have a hobby of researching Sasquatch so what a perfect time to look into all the hot spots on the west coast from WA. to CA.<br><br>SR<br><br>
<B>Welcome Soulraven, I hear Sasquatch tastes a lot like chicken. <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif">&nbsp; (just kidding you)&nbsp; If only you could get a Government grant to fund your 'Research'. Maybe you can, just remember, on the grant proposal its 'research' not&nbsp; 'hobby'.</B><BR><B></B>&nbsp;<BR><B>Diane at </B><A href="http://www.dragonflyinthesky.com" target=_blank target=_blank><B>www.dragonflyinthesky.com</B></A><B> and my travel trialer blog below.</B><BR><BR><BR>
Sasquatches come from another planet in some tourist-type function...they travel interdimensionally&nbsp; so there will never be a carcass found or bones or a live one taken even after all these years and tons of people looking...one of the more interesting side notes from the US Army's&nbsp; Remote Viewing Project Stargate based at Ft. Meade Maryland back in the 70's...it is not known why they come here, what they do or how they manifest themselves here. Lots of mind-blowing realities out there. The world does NOT work the way people think it does. Good luck in your search.<br>
Dust of the Sun said:
Sasquatches come from another planet in some tourist-type function...they travel interdimensionally&nbsp; so there will never be a carcass found or bones or a live one taken even after all these years and tons of people looking...one of the more interesting side notes from the US Army's&nbsp; Remote Viewing Project Stargate based at Ft. Meade Maryland back in the 70's...it is not known why they come here, what they do or how they manifest themselves here. Lots of mind-blowing realities out there. The world does NOT work the way people think it does. Good luck in your search.<br>
<div><br></div><div>Where would an interdimensional carcass go that a living body wouldn't, and why?</div>
hey vonu...yep, the whole remote viewing CIA &amp; Military program, now supposedly no longer in operation (yeah right) opens a major can of worms...I surely can't answer your question. I would say to Google "remote viewing" and you'll be shocked that it returns 8 million, nearly 9 million hits...many books on remote viewing and many radio programs on it on Coast to Coast with George Noory and&nbsp; previously Art Bell.&nbsp; One of the most fascinating woo-woo topics out there. Supposedly it was the Remote Viewers who located the hole in the ground where Saddam Hussein was hiding. The Cia and Military spent millions on remote viewing and now the government involvement is never talked about...the Russians are doing it Bigtime. Anyway, many fascinating books on the topic...check Amazon too...will really lead you down the Rabbit Hole!!!!<br>
Dust of the Sun said:
hey vonu...yep, the whole remote viewing CIA &amp; Military program, now supposedly no longer in operation (yeah right) opens a major can of worms...I surely can't answer your question. I would say to Google "remote viewing" and you'll be shocked that it returns 8 million, nearly 9 million hits...many books on remote viewing and many radio programs on it on Coast to Coast with George Noory and&nbsp; previously Art Bell.&nbsp; One of the most fascinating woo-woo topics out there. Supposedly it was the Remote Viewers who located the hole in the ground where Saddam Hussein was hiding. The Cia and Military spent millions on remote viewing and now the government involvement is never talked about...the Russians are doing it Bigtime. Anyway, many fascinating books on the topic...check Amazon too...will really lead you down the Rabbit Hole!!!!<br>
<div><br></div><div>Remote viewing isn't astral travel, neither are interdimensional travel.</div><div>I have a friend who quit remote viewing because he didn't want to know...</div><div>Where is your claim that carcasses will be returned to their home dimension corroborated?</div>
Well I have heard it all before, and one thing I know is ya just don't try to change peoples minds...<br><br>I am to be heading out in Sept. of the forests of the Northern Cascades heading south to southern WA. for a while, then down into OR. for a few weeks and then into Northern CA. for a few weeks or so... I have plans to attend the Jan. 2012 Gathering in AZ. so I will slowly work my way through the national forests down to the event... I plan to stay in the comfort of the woods most of my travels for this is my comfort zone, staying away from cities at all cost... If ya wanna hook up and travel together I am open to ideas and suggestions, as long as you pay your own way, no drugs or drunks open to males and/or females (I am NOT gay and platonic with females)... BTW I am 49, male, widowed, in a van down by the river...lol<br><div align="center"><br><img src="http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j135/TooRisky/risky.jpg"><br></div>
stude53 said:
Diane,<BR>I went to Little Sanitee's blog spot, and it told me your other blog was ...<BR>&nbsp;<A href="http://dianesdragonflyinthesky.blogspot.com/" target=_blank target=_blank>http://dianesdragonflyinthesky.blogspot.com/</A><BR><BR>and that worked! No posts there though???<BR>
</P>No, so busy trying to get other parts of life settled.&nbsp; The web site for the first book is at <A href="http://www.dragonflyinthesky.com" target=_blank>www.dragonflyinthesky.com</A>&nbsp;&nbsp; I am working with a small local publisher and we are still in the copyright stages.&nbsp; As for the book, no, it will never be on the NYTimes bestsellers list but it gives me enjoyment to write and do artwork.&nbsp; Children's books are a dime a dozen, I am designing mine to be personalized, you know, with the child's name, town, friends and pets as well as aftermarket items.<br>I also in the beginning stages of right wing/tea party tee shirt design (no political&nbsp;arguments with anyone please, not that interested and I don't care)<br>I don't want to hijack this thread. I will put a few of my kids Jeep tee shirt pictures on my 61 shasta conversion thread. <br><br>

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