Crazy busy . but happy

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2012
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Wasn't sure where to put this until I was done with it. I had it under the general topics label but thought it be best moved here. It is, after all, a matter of the heart for many of us.<br />&nbsp;Haven't been around much lately. This is the big season for us in the cable construction business. I turned in a time card Saturday with 124 hours on it in 2 weeks. That's a might ridiculous but it is what it is for now.<br />I've been living in the van for two weeks at a time, as I have been all along, dealing with the varieties of living in the hot humid weather of southern Iowa and sweltering all the while.<br /><br />I told one of my close friends, when I decided to get out of the motels by living in a van, that I longed to live "on purpose"; not dictated by what the masses that work on the road do. The mindless existence of living in motels had nearly taken its toll on my better well being and I wanted to take charge of my own life once again. . . .so here I am . . . .living in a van.<br /><br />My life is purposeful once again. I have to think about what I'm going to do in the evenings when it is hotter than Hades. Where can I find shade to park in in the evening? It leaves me keeping an eye out during the day for shade with enough breeze to keep living comfortable yet out of the discerning eye of he who would not understand.<br /><br />How will I take my meal tonight? will I go with something cool from the refrigerator/freezer or will I go all out and cook a hot meal. These are simple decisions I make today that I wasn't allowed to living in motels.<br /><br />So today, after 3 mos. of living in this old van, my life has meaning once again. I am engaged; not mindlessly moving from my car to a restaurant to the motel and on and on and ad nausium!<br /><br />Even as merciless as this heat is I am still happy; I feel alive . . . I have to think . . .I have to do things . . . I am living purposefully!<br /><br />gus
I'm sure I can speak for many here when I say, "It brings a renewed sense of purpose!"<br /><br />But . . .But . . . But . . .I think I said that already!!!!!<img src="../images/boards/smilies/redface.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />gus
Glad to hear things are going great!<br /><br />
Thanks Gus. You put into words what I've been feeling for the last few days while I house sit for friends. I feel myself falling back into those habits, even though I still have no time for mindlessness. There is plenty I could be doing to get my van even more functional, but I've been dragging my butt a bit because all my needs are easily taken care of. It's a job anyway, and I shouldn't complain as I sit here in front of a 50" flat-screen typing from across the room having just dined on taters (a rare treat because they are a pain to cook on the road) bacon, avocado and eggs. And especially after being able to enjoy a few beers last night (a very rare treat) and hang out with my old neighbor (I used to live here). Anyway, it's probably the best job anyone could ask for, but I feel like I'm taking a step backwards in spite of it all. It's strange what effects brick and stick living can have. Complacency is my enemy.
Gus, great to read your post. I constantly keep my eyes open for spots, and wonder," gee, bet I could park there" or, theres a hose bib ( faucet) or that would work for a day or two... There is Definatly a mind set to it. My wife and I were just sitting on our porch discussing plans for our next trip, late July early august. Hotels are Definatly out, and our budget wont support driving the bus while pulling the camper. And since there will be four of us, it looks like it's going to be the cabin tents. So were looking at state forests or cheap campgrounds, somewhere I am comfortable being. But a lot of what I know came from places like this, and people like yourself. Thanks for sharing your thoughts...
planetmoon,<br />I like your sign; but many of those I talk to about living in the van don't say it but I know what they are thinking!!!!!<br /><br /><br />
kevin,<br />Absolutely!<br /><br />Use the time to tear into the van and make improvements. I'm going home for the 4th and I'll have 4 days off. That is how I'm going to use that time. Do some major house cleaning and re-arrange some stuff.<br /><br />I work on a lot of gravel roads and man the dust gets thick in the back of the van when it's so dry.<br /><br />gus
I think it's great, you're living with purpose again. I think we all need a life check from time to time, if not all the time! Do remember your old friend, the can get a nice cheap one ($10.00) at Wal-mart that is either a plug-in to the wall or USB, we have two of them. A nice black one for my hubs and a pretty purple one for me, they are only about 5-6inches in diameter and fold up for easy storage. We, too, have stayed in some very hot places just this summer and those fans were a god-send...and if you can crack a window to get a nice cross breeze that always helps! And community parks are great places to park during the day, shoot we've totally revamped our van in park parking lots on many a day! They don't care, as long as you move on by night. I hope you find some good spots, may the shade angels be with you!<br />Safe travels my friend<br />Kalani
Yes to the fan idea above. A more unconventional idea is to open up your fly and stick a frozen or ice-cold bottle of water down there. Worked for us in Afghanistan while stuck in our trucks with no A/C...<br /><br />...and drink a lot of cold water.&nbsp;<br /><br />Stay hydrated, Simran, and all will be good <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I moved my bed from across the back to along the side in the parking lot of a small mall in Ames, IA. Out of curiosity, one store owner came out and asked me what I was up to. Other than that no ones said anything.<br /><br />gus