Class B vs. Class C

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2016
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So I went to an RV show yesterday to look at Class B's and Class C's. Surprisingly the Class B's that were there (Transit, Sprinter and ProMaster chassis) from Winnebago all had more room in the baths than every Class C at the show, and there were many more Class C's there!  The Sprinter had the best headroom out of all 3 chassis. The Class B's just seemed to have better quality as well since they are built into the existing steel van body. The only plus about the Class C's was the bigger living area, but the cheaper overall build quality and larger size negates this IMHO.
The class B's are more expensive BECAUSE they have to fit everything into the van body... there is little room for innovation in building the structure, and subsequently the layout of the van. The new B-vans are also typically built using higher quality materials since they're quickly becoming "THE" think that people buy... because of the misconception that they'll save money by saving a few cents per gallon on gasoline (or diesel;) a myth quickly disposed of when looking at total cost of ownership.

And how much time do you actually spend in a bathroom anyway? Frankly as long as it's big enough to accommodate the necessary tasks that baths need to accomplish... I'd rather have the additional room in the living (and especially storage) spaces.
hepcat said:
And how much time do you actually spend in a bathroom anyway?  Frankly as long as it's big enough to accommodate the necessary tasks that baths need to accomplish... I'd rather have the additional room in the living (and especially storage) spaces.

You call it a bathroom........I've always thought of it as a library and a meditation retreat! :D