Cheap Perimeter Alarms Solo Boondocking

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Dec 7, 2018
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To be honest, I've NEVER boondocked in my life. However, I have lived alone in a couple places where I didn't have close neighbors. I lived for 8 years near the end of a dead-end road the ended at a cemetery. Lots of people would visit that cemetery in the middle of the night to (I assume) to deal drugs and party. I bought two cheap battery operated motion detectors at Harbor Freight and placed one in my backyard, and one in my front driveway. To be honest, when the one in the backyard went off, it was usually deer grazing in my backyard. The one in my driveway was aimed so that it wouldn't go off unless something was directly approaching the front of my house. 

I think these detectors would be VERY useful if someone was out in the sticks by themselves with nobody around for miles. They will go off if there's anything moving around within 400 feet of your rig. They take a single 9 volt battery and I had mine on my house for about 2 years before I needed to replace the batteries. I stuck mine up about 2 1/2 feet above the ground. That way they usually wouldn't go off if it was something small like a squirrel or a raccoon. But a human intruder usually can't crouch down that low. I just stuck 'em up on my wall with a Command strip and they stayed up just fine. To take one on and off your vehicle, it would probably take industrial Velcro or maybe a zip tie. They have a red LED on the front, but you can cover that up with a piece of tape so it's not noticeable in the dark. 

At least that way you would know SOMETHING was stirring around out in the dark, even is you didn't know exactly what it was. Also, that would probably be a good time to turn on your spot lights to scare off anyone who was trying to sneak up on you, even if it was just a coyote. 

You can usually purchase these on sale at Harbor Freight for about $14 or less with a coupon or on sale. They really work good. :)
A house I rented years ago had motion-triggered spotlights. I thought that was good because the place was about a mile from a sketchy part of town. But the damn things were always going off whenever a breeze made the bushes sway. I'd jump up, heart pounding, to see what the trouble was, and it was... just the bushes. So I eventually unscrewed the lights so I could get some sleep. A system that's always going off for the wrong reasons is as useless as having none at all.
Ah! I searched "motion sensor" and it only pulled up lights. I've seen those driveway alarms before. The bummer is the C batteries (3). I carry 9V for the smoke alarm, AA and AAA already. When I saw 9V battery is when I went looking. I don't have any item at the house or the van that uses C batteries.
like you said in the first post, animals set them off all the time all night long. everybody that I know that thought they where a good idea ended up turning them off. highdesertranger
I had figured I could "blind" the lower part of the lens to get the elevation off the ground as needed to be above the smaller animals. You are probably right on about all the false positive from animals. Sounded neat. Camera's mounted high is the only thing then.
For when I'm not at the van. Don't want someone ransacking it although hasn't happened in 5 years. The neighborhood kids used to call me Mr. Gadget when they were young. I don't know if it is because of all the stuff I like to tinker with or if it was after the cartoon character by the same name. LOL I like to do stuff just to see if I can. Do I think I need camera's, no.
B and C said:
Ah!  I searched "motion sensor" and it only pulled up lights.  I've seen those driveway alarms before.  The bummer is the C batteries (3).  I carry 9V for the smoke alarm, AA and AAA already.  When I saw 9V battery is when I went looking.  I don't have any item at the house or the van that uses C batteries.

highdesertranger said:
like you said in the first post,  animals set them off all the time all night long.  everybody that I know that thought they where a good idea ended up turning them off.  highdesertranger

There are lots of reviews of people saying they were good for indoor use.  

Maybe outdoor too, but that's more variable due to rapid changes of light intensity, etc.  But for indoor, they sound like a good way to keep someone from stealing your trailer/RV without getting his face and whoever knows what else over the phone/tablet/PC/remote storage via internet connection.
I use these HF motion sensor to put under my kayak while camping so if anyone moves it the alarm sounds, great while i'm inside sleeping at night but i still lock the kayak. It's also good for my GM pellet grill before i go to sleep, again if someone moves it the alarm sounds
MrNoodly said:
A house I rented years ago had motion-triggered spotlights. I thought that was good because the place was about a mile from a sketchy part of town. But the damn things were always going off whenever a breeze made the bushes sway. I'd jump up, heart pounding, to see what the trouble was, and it was... just the bushes. So I eventually unscrewed the lights so I could get some sleep. A system that's always going off for the wrong reasons is as useless as having none at all.
I would think that stumbling out in the dark to determine what caused the alarm would be more dangerous than the initial threat.
A driveway alrm will work great, use 4 sets put them on 4 stakes & no lights come on just a pleasent chime you can either adjust or put under your  pillow so you kep one step ahead of the stalker. I bought mine at Harbor Freight but didn't see them. I paid $8.99ea
ckelly78z said:
I would think that stumbling out in the dark to determine what caused the alarm would be more dangerous than the initial threat.

I'd look out the windows.

But that raises the question for the OP. What would you do when the alarm goes off and there's someone out there, and they're not dissuaded because there's no one around to come to your rescue?
Well, if I was out in the middle of nowhere and my alarm went off and there was no one to rescue me, I guess I'd just rescue myself. I've had weapons training and I possess a concealed carry permit and several firearms. :) I refuse to be anyone's sitting duck.
I have a notice posted saying "smile you are on camera" It's worked so far :)
But the notice has to be big enough to read from 30 feet away....

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