Can Vandwellers be considered homeless?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2014
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Left Coast USA
I've had several people tell me that I'm not truly homeless because I have a van to live in. Even though everything I own can fit in that vehicle and I can't afford to live anywhere else. It doesn't really matter to me what people label me as but just trying to clarify my status before posting on ;)
If you own your "shelter" -- you may actually be less "homeless" than someone who is paying a 30 year mortgage or paying a landlord. Do people say "I'm homeless and so I'm renting an apartment...?" -- no

The truly "homeless" (using the common definition) live without security or protection, and exist in a state of desperation and survival. The word means more than not having a permanent home -- it means desperate poverty. Maybe it's better not to use other peoples' definitions to try to define something they themselves don't understand.

"Residency" such as being a "resident of a city or state" is used for many legal purposes. Those who own several homes likely have a "primary" residence and designate the other properties as "vacation" or "2nd homes." And there are people who establish homes in other countries, yet do not give up their American "citizenship." These "ex-pat" communities exist in many countries, and there are people who travel the world and rarely return to the United States. If you live in a new motel from one month to another -- does that make you "homeless...?"

All in all -- you live an "alternate lifestyle" -- not the same as being homeless.
Here in NY, the term used by the social welfare types is "undomiciled".

Arguably, you could describe yourself as mobiley domiciled.

I do not feel homeless, therefore I am not.

So the choice is yours. As for, how about fulltimer, or full time RVer, or maybe mobile home.

If you want somebody to move in with, maybe homeless wouldn't be a bad idea,

"In search of _______ looking for a live in _______."
Definitely on it would be a strong negative to describe yourself as homeless. I think the suggestion to describe yourself as a fulltime RVer is accurate: your van is basically a Class B RV--the Class B RV is based on a van, although the Class B has more facilities built in.
When I start living full time in the van, I will not be homeless, I will home-free.
I like these answers! Honesty is the best policy but maybe I'm not as low in society as I feel sometimes. I know that when I talk with street people, they don't consider me truly one of them because of my van. Poor people can be such snobs! lol
I like Starlight's take on it.

It's all just a state of mind.

Some consider living in a beautiful house parallel to living in a state of incarceration, while others who live in their vans consider them to be Taj' Mahals.
lets see.......
when I'm moving along..........Im a Transient
parked in families driveway.....Free loading
parked in friends driveway......Mooch-Docking
staying at walmart................wally-docking
Staying at BLM or NF.............Boondocker
State parks or campgrounds....Camper

get arrested for parking in wrong place..Vehicle towed , go to court ....Judge says Homeless , Vagrant !!!!!!!
The really funny part about all this is that some retired people, with big pensions and really deluxe motorhomes, like to tell people that they are " out of work and living in their vehicle."

And technically, they are correct.

bindi&us said:
We may be "houseless", but we're not "homeless"....we have wheel estate ;)

There ya go! I'm a "wheel estate investor" !

And that guy who builds camper vans is a "wheel estate developer" !

I love it!!!
Well, under loan (and tax) a well equipped camper van (read: class b) is a home. So you are not homeless, just not residential / domicile.

Which is funny thinking about manufactured house on rented land. You own the house, just not the land...
Yes. We are homeless goons. Homeless, self sufficient, gainfully employed goons.

I owe zero money to anyone. My children are clean, well fed, and educated. We are happy.

I don't need a bad mortgage or 2000 Sq ft to feel like a man.
fablefox said:
Which is funny thinking about manufactured house on rented land. You own the house, just not the land...

Well that's the same thing here with my sticks and bricks. Sure, I own a lovely home in a nice neighborhood.

...but should I 'forget' to pay my property taxes.....the state will come in and take my land AND my home!!! :p

something you vandwellers NEVER need worry about. (I suppose your van 'could' get towed/impounded)...but your biggest worry is that you'll hafta "Move along" and find a new spot. (lucky buggars!!)
I'm not a full-timer yet, but I've been doing a lot of thinking about what i would call myself when I do go full time. I think that "houseless" is the term I like best. I also like the terms "travel-peneur" (traveling entrepreneur), "nomad", and "location-unattached"