Camp Host Cash Jobs?

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Jan 31, 2016
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Hey all, just curious if anyone has every done a cash camp host job? Or any other vandweller-style non-skilled cash jobs?
I house, pet and farm sit and get paid cash
Sounds like a bad deal.You get no workmans comp,nothing paid into SS or Medicare.
It would be very unusual for a business not to want to claim the expenses of having an employee as a deduction. But of course if you were willing to work for a lot less than they typically pay you might persuade someone into paying you cash.
"Day labor jobs" are available in most major cities. They pay cash, depending on your skill and physical ability. Can be $10 - $20 an hour. Google search the city your want the job in before you arrive for details. Keep in mind, most of these jobs are labor intensive and dirty work.
some private smaller cgs might/do offer cash for work but things like state parks trade camp site free of charge for work etc.