Book suggestions?

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2014
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In preparation for my new lifestyle I'm collecting books that may be relevant.

Any suggestions on the following?

A good all encompassing survival book? There are several I know, but if anyone has direct experience with some...

Mechanical/electric handbooks

Foraging. I already have 2 Samuel Thayer books and a Jon Kallas book.

The new Percy Jackson book is out. Yes, I know it's for adolescents. That's why I read it. One of my grandsons is a Percy Jackson fan. It gives me hours of conversation material with him.

Got teenager in the family?
concretebox said:
For entertainment, I suggest Ken Ilgunas' "Walden on Wheels.


It's a "memoir" of a 20-something who "beat" his student loan debt by living very cheaply and working shitty jobs. Among other things, he lived in a van on the campus of Duke University for two years.

Ken is the reason I'm on this site! Awesome book and nice guy. I got in touch with him on facebook and chatted for a bit.

Optimistic Paranoid said:
On further reflection, let me add a third book to my list of recommendations:

Automotive Wiring and Electrical Systems

The best book I've found on the actual nuts and bolts of doing 12 volt electrical wiring.


Thanks Optimistic. I looked those books over and, yea, I guess I should get them. I was naive and thought that I could just get some deep cycle batteries and wire them together and everything would be fine. Apparently not...
Got Walden on Wheels on Kindle. Did not find it on Nook.

Have also begun to reap benefits of reading Percy Jackson book, steady stream of texts with grandson. With school, chores, family activities, friend, etc, it will take him a while to read it. The conversation should go on for 1 to 2 weeks.
In an attempt to head off problems that could arise I read several vandwelling books in the month before I became a full-timer.

The best 2 are Bob Well's "How to live in a Car, Van or RV" and "The Vandweller's Guide" by Romana Starfield (a hippie name if I've ever heard one)

"Turning a cargo van into a Road Trip Adventure Vehicle" by Roger Steen is good for gathering ideas on how to stuff a lot into your van.

All of these books were $3 each for the kindle versions. How can you beat that?
See Desertphile's gold prospecting series on Smashword. Free download. I still haven't figured out how to copy/paste links on my phone. Sorry about that.
jean I must look into that. anyhow all the recommendations are great. for those of you in the desert southwest may I recommend "desert solitaire" by Edward abbey. or for anybody, a great read. highdesertranger
Good question! I have been wondering about vandwelling sources as well! Also, can anyone recommend some books on automechanics? Or would the Chilton's guide be the best bet for the van you decide to buy? I've done some basic maintenance, but would love to learn more.

The Bushcraft USA Forum is a great place for everything survival and bushcraft. They even have a great BushClass section with lessons and practice for each one. How to start a friction fire, splitwood fire, tarp shelters, tons of gear discussion.

These are both good books. If you get one, I might lean toward the Mors book.

Bushcraft, by Mors Kochanski

Outdoor Survival Skills-Larry Dean Olsen.
peter, Chilton's or Clymer or Haynes are all good for general reference and should provide someone with the info they need. for a lot more detail nothing beats a shop manual, btw many shop manuals are available on line for free if you search around a little. highdesertranger
The Chilton's Guide is a pretty basic manual, good for simple servicing and parts replacement. For anything serious you'd need the Shop Manuals. They aren't cheap.
concretebox said:
For entertainment, I suggest Ken Ilgunas' "Walden on Wheels.


It's a "memoir" of a 20-something who "beat" his student loan debt by living very cheaply and working shitty jobs. Among other things, he lived in a van on the campus of Duke University for two years.

I loved this book and highly recommend it. The author lived in his van while attending Duke Universtiy, in order to avoid taking on more debt. I loved seeing the practical aspects of how he did it. A good read!