Hey Dust, good to hear from you.<br>No family members. My best friend runs an adoption agency. She has also adopted 20 children in her lifetime, now has 2 grandkids she is raising. To old for that. Her oldest son is functional socially, 32 yrs old. 70 IQ. He was very autistic but seems to have outgrown it over the years. He still shows it by the occasional detachment. He has never needed meds. It seems the kids and adults that have other issues don't do as well.<br>Another adult child is autistic, 70 IQ, very high functioning, married a "slow" woman and they have an autistic slow child.<br>Pat taught them how to engage their little one in eye contact from the time he was an infant.<br>Interesting, I have learned over the years that you can sometimes get along just fine with a low IQ. Maybe the key is someone recognizing it very early and working with them, as Pat has done.<br>These kids/now adults, were not what I see on TV, they have an ability to be touched and are not hyper active.<br>I am amazed at how many more kids have it. I just don't remember this in school growing up.<br>