24 Hour Fitness has filed for bankruptcy

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2019
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I just saw that national gym chain 24 Hour Fitness has filed for bankruptcy, which will affect many of us.


The article is out of Sacramento, CA and it says that at least three of it's local locations are on the chopping block. There will be other locations that also shutter throughout the US, but I don't have the full list yet.

Companies that enter bankruptcy typically restructure and don't close all of their locations. I hope that is the case here.
Orchard Hardware went completely out of business and one of the Starbucks near me has closed forever and the local Sears and Penney’s are hanging by threads. I hate shopping online unless it’s books or something similar. I never know what I’m going to get and it’s a pain to return. All our locally owned small businesses have closed now as a result of the virus never to reopen. People always point fingers at California but what I remind them is one tenth of the population lives here and as goes California goes the nation.
I just wonder if they are going to classify all the suicides that result from people losing everything - their business, their home, their car and even their family, a covid related death?

sushidog said:
I just wonder if they are going to classify all the suicides that result from people losing everything - their business, their home, their car and even their family, a covid related death?

They are not classifying them as Covid related deaths. Covid 19 is not a mental illness and it does not cause mental illness.

The suicides are related to how people deal with stress and depression. People get those feelings that life is not worth living from a wide variety of situations. However economic downturns throughout history have increased the rate of suicides. It happened in the great depression of the 1930s, it happened more recently from the housing crisis. There are a lot of triggers that cause economic downturns, this time around it happened to be a virus. Not the first time in history that a pandemic has impacted economic stability. But wars can also trigger it, political upheavals, corruption, etc.
sushidog said:
I just wonder if they are going to classify all the suicides that result from people losing everything - their business, their home, their car and even their family, a covid related death?

They are already doing that with nursing home/elderly deaths when covid-19 is found.  A person may have it and not be harmed by it and/or asymptomatic(not the same thing), but if it is detected, it is in some places policy to declare death by covid-19.
LERCA said:
Orchard Hardware went completely out of business and one of the Starbucks near me has closed forever and the local Sears and Penney’s are hanging by threads.

LERCA, I think [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]you said [/font]your first name is Lisa but please correct me.

I loved Orchard Supply Hardware. My local OSH (Bay Area, CA) just vanished one afternoon a few years or so ago (2018?). That is one of the reasons I built a van and fled California in 2019.

Sears and Penny's - same story. I grew up with these stores. My thinking was that if they can't make it and they disappear so quickly then I need to get the hell out of Dodge (aka California for me) until the dust settles and I understand what is happening.

Lisa/LERCA, I do read your stories/posts and I know what you have shared. I admire how you sacrificed for your brother and how you soldiered through. Many of us read everything, and we know the personal stories you have shared even if we don't always say so. Me and you are roughly the same age as far as I can tell. I think me and you were at least in High School at about the same time based one what I can piece together. I believe that is true for many people who also read your posts.

You will have friends out here if/when you (and your brother?) decide to join us. My suggestion is that you don't share too much here on these forums. Keep it general, asexual, but still helpful, in the forums. Save the real personal stuff for actual camp-fire sharing, which I think you will love when we finally meet you.