2 men overcome by carbon monoxide

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well it's that time of year. unfortunately we will read about more of these over the winter. if you read the article they had the generator inside the bus. I hate to say it but these two were prime examples of the Darwin awards. Carbon Monoxide(CO) is nothing to mess with, if you are burning anything in a enclosed area have a working CO detector. running an internal combustion is considered burning. please be careful out there. highdesertranger
I just bought a carbon monoxide detector for my daughter's skoolie. The article is timely - I sent it to her. Thanks for posting.
highdesertranger said:
 I hate to say it but these two were prime examples of the Darwin awards.  

Last year when I said the same thing on this forum about some deaths due to CO poisoning in a converted cargo trailer, I was 'skewered' by the softies. I guess rank has it's privileges. 

It's bad when anyone dies from this, but please, people, USE SOME COMMON SENSE DAMMIT!
it is about common sense literally and hope people know and understand 'their conveniences' like a genny comes with rules for safety.
invisible gas is no joke ever. what one can't see can kill one easily.
shame it had to happen and will continue to do so. venting is so important for safety.
Shame that this story has to repeat itself every once in a while. Do you think people aren't sufficiently educated about CO or do you think it's just negligence?
Langstaff said:
Do you think people aren't sufficiently educated about CO or do you think it's just negligence?

If you open a manual on anything you buy, there are pages of warnings.  All these warnings cause people to gloss over them (me included).  We just bought a new propane grill.  There were 4 pages of warnings and 1/2 page of how to operate it.  I only glanced through it to see if there was a feature that was not readily apparent.

So the answer is both.  With our litigious society, manufacturers have to put all these warnings on everything to try and make things idiot proof.  The only problem is idiots are so darn ingenious.
Remember that venting is not enough if you are dealing with a high CO output such as an engine or burning/smoldering charcoal. People have died inside open garages from CO poisoning. And even while working on marine outboard engine while working on it.

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Some people indulge in excesses and do irrational things, especially @ large outdoor events.