We almost never have tornadoes but here's the aftermath of the one that hit my hanger at the airport, It was 62'x96'x20'h ceiling, the biggest on the airport. It hit the front half,the workshop in the back was untouched except for standing water. I lost my pristine 1938 Taylorcraft B model,the 14th produced that hung in a barn from 1941-1991 50 years before being restored. Delivered to Kellogg airport 12/24/38 about 40 miles away. It's now flying in Brazil. I had broken my back 1.5 years before. Taylor invented the Cub, later partnered with Piper who knew nothing about aircraft & later forcrced Taylor out of his own company like they did Ford. Taylor went on to build a far better side by side plan that cruised 50% faster on the same engine.
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