Squatting/crouching over a cat hole

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Matildas mate

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2018
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United States
This is serious. Ive done a lot of preparation for becoming a full time nomad - include making decisions about where to poop. I’ll soon be building a commode with bucket and urine diverter but would like to use a cat hole as often as possible as perhaps the most environmentally appropriate method. However, my age and physical condition make it a difficult ordeal - especially without a tree limb or something else to hang on to.

I realize that this thread may produce a lot of laughs and perhaps a funny story or two but i am serious in hearing from others if they have got this practice down to where it isn’t a potentially messy or even catastrophic ordeal.
Matildas mate said:
 would like to use a cat hole as often as possible as perhaps the most environmentally appropriate method.
We all have the same problem. Some of us have spent our entire lives squatting over catholes when in unorganized campsites in the National Forests. An easy way for you to deal with this is to use one of the following, after digging the hole in the ground first - just leave off the part where you attach the 13-gallon plastic bag. And make sure the rig is on stable ground before squatting.

Also, the better scheme is to NOT bury the TP, if not totally necessary.

You might also get a couple of adjustable walking sticks to help getting up and down when there is no tree limb handy.

And get a little garden spade too.

EDIT: it also occurred to me .... as 6-gallon buckets are meant to stack within each other, possibly for better stability than those rigs shown above, you could have one bucket with a hole cut in the bottom for outside use, and an unmodified bucket for other uses.
My wife and I took my mother-in-law over the Burr Trail through some remote areas in our old lifted jeep truck. We used two large blocks of wood (12"x12"x24") as a step to get her in the truck. Just after crossing a wash she told us she had to go so we set them on end a short distance apart and dug a cat hole below the gap as she said she couldn't squat. She wasn't lying as about half way through one of our "friends" flying over saw the truck stopped and did a low altitude pass just to make sure we were okay. It took awhile to get her cleaned up and back in the truck after she flipped over backwards off the blocks trying to get her pants up.
Just take the bucket out.

Also can be a chair with a nice cushion rigged59eeeaf1-aa5c-4d61-b030-c921cda4d802_1.258942e18ac3624e524ba5e0ee0107c6.jpeg


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You can still use the bucket just get two of them, cut the bottom out of one and use it for the cat hole. They stack together and it also lift's you up a couple of inches,. Nice.
The seat just snaps of the one you're getting use out of the other one can hold your needed supplies and if you keep a lid on it, no worries about critters.
Hope this helps solve the timeless delema
Where should I go?.

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If private enough area I take my pants/underwear off, hang on nearby tree or around my neck before squatting.
Make sure shoes/feet are safely out of target zone.

Having a tree, walking stick or shovel to hold onto help balance is good.
And then bring a paper to read or think about turtles.
Lots of old folding lawn chairs would work with a toliet seat attached, just use some broom handle holders and wood. Make a padded solid bottom so it can be a chair when not in use.
I just try to do it in a place with the proper facilities, like while waiting in line at the bank.
I can't testify to the veracity of this, but when I was on a canoe trip many years ago on the Green River our group used one of those metal criss-cross things setup for the group behind a bush. The trip leader said that first thing he did every morning was to go over and shoo the rattlesnakes away.
I Like Turtles said:
think about turtles.
You can get a Bumper Dumper for your receiver hitch if you have one.

Northern Tool

"Not for use when vehicle is in motion." I legitimately laughed out loud!
I had one of those that I wanted to install a seat belt on and back over the ledge at the overlook on the Mokey Dugway. I wonder if there is a record for world's deepest cat hole?
bullfrog said:
 I wonder if there is a record for world's deepest cat hole?
I probably shouldn't be admitting to this but it was about 30-years ago. We were hiking along the rim above Spanish Bottom, and there was this crack between rocks hanging over the edge of the abyss. About here: 38.200509,-109.900234
Picture of the approximate place. I claim the world record.
Winner! You deserve a "Stinking Badge" see the Ain't Quite Right Group.
Of course, that story was just "made up"! OTOH, if you have an "Ain't Quite Right" tee-shirt, I'll give you my address.

And FWIW, I've been to Mokey Dugway and Muley Point Overlook, and Shirley you have me beat.