Are we running away?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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San Francisco
Sorry for stealing but yes great topic, are we running away? I might be just not ready to admit it meaning failure which is unacceptable. My cat is looking at me as I type but the feeling is Yes I am running away. As sad as that is to admit.
IF ONLY  i could run away!   (I'm not prepared)  but seriously,  I  look at what I'm running from. 

 From an apartment that makes me feel so closed in, and feel toxic and sick all the time in it..
from weather that does NOT work for me 10 months out of the year...
from too many rules that make me very angry..  (the list is in~exhaustive )

so.. instead, I think of it as 'what I'm running to'  instead of 'away from.

running to better health, less stress, all KINDS of good things!!  and meeting Many like minded new friends. :heart:
Yes Adrian, I ran away, I abandoned possessions and people so I could save my life. I ran away and found good people, peace and freedom.

Running away doesn't help. You take yourself with you wherever you go.

I was running TOWARDS, not running AWAY.
I didn’t run away.....I ran “to” :)
Was it running away when europeans came to america?
JustACarSoFar said:
running to better health, less stress, all KINDS of good things!!  and meeting Many like minded new friends. :heart:

I like that perspective  :)


Am I️ running away or running towards something? Just like is the glass half empty or half full. It is all a matter of perspective.......

I️ had a judge give me a one year restraining order to give me time to sell my house, change my name and disappear. So me, I️ have disappeared. Except not from the people I️ love and who love me, they are still in my life.

And I️ worked for almost 40 years. I️ worked hard. I️ raised my kids. This is my time, to do as I️ desire, I’m self employed in the pursuit of my own happiness.

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wagoneer said:
Sorry for stealing but yes great topic, are we running away? I might be just not ready to admit it meaning failure which is unacceptable. My cat is looking at me as I type but the feeling is Yes I am running away. As sad as that is to admit.

Well, in some cases - could be.
But for the most part, I think it could be choosing a lifestyle that was not apparently available in the past. Choosing to experience life rather than sacrifice it for the sake of accumulating things.
I get your point Wagoneer. When I originally contemplated my intention's regarding this major lifestyle change, I was looking through the lens of other people. I was imagining how "most people" would view my decision to leave it all behind and start anew. And, then I came to the realization that many others on here have already noted- Am I really running away? Nope. I am running "to" something. I am running to a place where I can actualize my dreams and the way that I would like to live my life. If I were to stay put and never leave- then, living the dream and making it a reality would be an impossibility. Because, the people around me and the constraints of society would fight me at every turn. The way I see it, I can either be a coward and submit to my situation. Which, will assure that I'll never truly know if my dreams are attainable or not. Or, I can play ball. I just need to plant my feet, choke up on that bat and swing for the fences! Maybe, it'll be a swing and miss. Three strikes and I'm out. Who knows and who cares. It can't be any worse than my life is already. But , hell, maybe I'll hit that sonofabitch straight outta the park and get a free trot around the bases with a bunch of high-five's waiting for me at home plate. Either way, I won't have to look back and say "what if" any more. Because, that question will be answered one way or the other. And, right now- my heart's telling me that I need to man up, break out the pine pitch, rub down that bat and swing away.
Running away does not equal failure. It equals success. Everyone, everywhere, to some degree or another, is hoping to escape the things about life they don't like. Most people believe that means buying their way to some level that's above the crap of life. They don't know they can just refuse to participate, that they can walk (or drive) away.
I don't see it as running away. More of beginning a new chapter. The home I'm in now, which I'm in the process of renting out, is the house I raised my kids in. They're almost 30 and my husband has passed away. Time (passed time?) I move on with my life. I've wanted to travel around the country since I was in my late teens. I'm starting a journey 40 years in the making.  :D
wagoneer said:
Sorry for stealing but yes great topic, are we running away? 

No, I'm leaving. I'll be over there. Then over there, then there, and so on. This is me doing this.
LOL....I had someone tell me today how sorry they are that I have to do this. I tried explaining that I'm not sorry and this is my choice. I'm looking forward to the adventure. sigh....some people just don't get it.
I was kinda surprised that really only one person told me I was crazy. Most are crazy jealous (or they say that to make me feel better, haha).
I don't think anyone here is running away.  At least I hope not because if they are running from some set of problems they will just discover a new set waiting around the corner.

For me it is a journey.  I could very easily sit on my duff and watch each day go by, one after the other, until I finally just pass away.  Never going anywhere, never seeing anything, never doing anything.  Just sitting and existing.  I already know the problems I will face and which I can solve and which just are there.

BUT I don;t want to just sit and be like a vegetable or a rock.  There is too much to see, too many places to go, too many people to meet.  So in a short while I will abandon the age old , societal approved, path of grow up, work most of your life, statically sit somewhere and wait to die.  I will set out on a journey to see new places,  and make new friends.  And now that I have spent all that time typing a thought has occurred to me.  I guess I am running.  I am running from a slow death to a full life.

But then that is just my two cents
Toi quote Merle Haggard ~

I was born the running kind, leaving always on my mind
Home was never home to me at anytime
Every front door found me open I would find the back door open
There just had to be a lesson for the running kind
Within me there's a prison, surrounding me alone
As real as any dungeon with a wall of stone
I know running's not the answer, but running's been my nature
And a part of me that keeps me moving on
Nice :) Here's a quote from Steve Earle that's appropriate, but I'll let him tell it...