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  1. Baloo

    Another awesome ambo weekend!

    Well it is my monthly ambo camping/national guard weekend. Three hours of driving done, at Walmart getting food and what not. The register line is long, so I figured I would start a log. Hopefully the forum will make this trip seem annoy less lonely... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Baloo

    Ambo Time!

    Well it is that time of the month again for some ambo living action. Three hours of driving, a few gallons of diesel, some crappy radio stations. Here I come road! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Baloo

    Three days, three nights, one ambo!

    Well now that the transmission swap is all done, time to put this baby to use! I am off on a three day national guard weekend adventure. I will be staying in the ambo as usual. I will try to keep a good record of what works and what needs a little work... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Baloo

    Ambo Weekend!

    Well it is that time of the month again for an ambo weekend! Yesterday I drove for two hours south, got fuel and called it a night. Up bright and early, put down a few miles, had some Dunkin Doughnuts and am currently playing Army. It was pretty darn cold this morning, that little buddy...
  5. Baloo

    Ambo Weekend!

    Well it was time for another ambo adventure, so after 109 miles of driving after a full day of work I have made the mistake of stopping at Walmart to get a few things for the weekend. Why didn't anyone tell me it was tax free weekend? So as I wait in line I will begin my log for this weekend...
  6. Baloo

    Two weeks in the ambo!

    Well last night officially kicked off my two weeks of living in the ambo! I drove a little over a 100 miles and had a great night sleep on the futon mattress. Woke up and start the day off with a hot cup of joe. I am still getting things moved around and what not, trying to figure out what...
  7. Baloo

    Roof top storage?

    So I have lots of room on my roof being an ambulance, does anyone have experience with roof top storage containers?
  8. Baloo

    Four day trial run...

    So while I am waiting for DOT documents for the big truck box swap I figured I would take a trial run on the old frame. Sort of a trial run with all the new modifications and what not. Hasn't start off to smoothly, but after some used tires, back on the road again!
  9. Baloo

    Coroplast shower?

    I am thinking about getting on the coroplast bandwagon and making a shower for my ambulance. A three wall folding setup that could fold out of the way when not in use. I am not sure how many times you can bend it before it breaks? Any thoughts?
  10. Baloo

    Fishing pole holder

    Made a rod holder for my fishing poles. It will be mounted to the roof rack in my truck, so it had to be rain proof. Less than $10.00!
  11. Baloo

    the change from materialistic to utilitarian/minimalist. ..

    Well over the past few months I have been slowly reducing the amount of things I just had to have. As I categorize my possessions, I ask "do I need this?, will it serve a purpose that something else doesn't? What is the frequency of use? Does it hold any sentimental value? Then it is off to...
  12. Baloo

    My ambo...

    New guy here,  here is a pic of my ambulance I have been converting to a camper.
  13. Baloo

    Long time listener, first time caller...

    Hey there everybody, well I finally did it, I joined the forum. After lurking endlessly for information it was time. I do not live in a van yet. Quite the opposite, I have a great job and a home. I am just tired of working to have a space full of stuff I don't need. Time to get down to the...