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  1. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    I think my setup is very crude which adds complexity. If I simply got a Jackery setup with solar, I'd be good..I think. The Jackery would get charged all day, from sun. Then all devices get power from Jackery. So engine off or on, does not matter. They always get power from the Jackery. Then...
  2. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    So I put up curtains! Came up with simple way to mount. Take zipties and make loop. Squeeze the locking part under the roof panel. Done! Seems strong enough. I have privacy black out curtains up now seperating back from front. Also finished my passenger swivel. Super easy. Take of rails, flip...
  3. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    How can I setup a splitter, so when driving, my batteries get charged and when parked, my batteries become the source of power for my lights and devices? When I drive, I flip a switch to activate charging from car power. When I park, I flip it again to take power from my batteries. If I was...
  4. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    Thanks again so much for taking the time to offer suggestions. I do have a question. I need a way to switch from getting power from the car to getting power from my batteries. So when I'm driving, I flip a switch and the power comes from car. When I stop, I flip it and it feeds from batteries...
  5. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    Yes, I'm thinking some kind of more "Wet" cleaning is needed, so I'm thinking things like a wetvac and also using a fan to dry the carpet after. I got MOST of the dark color out, but y focus is on smell and hygiene. If you put your nose close to the spots, you can still smell that faint dead...
  6. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    OKAY, this passenger seat flip is AWESOME! I'm right now working in passenger seat with my chair leaned WAY back like a recliner you might sleep in. My feet are up on the 2nd row seat. I dont even have a cozy setup like this at home where I can work and be so reclined like this with feet up...
  7. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    Thanks for the tip. What I have done so far seems VERY effective smell wise, BUT there is still a "dead rat" hidden in hear. Every once in a while I'm sniffing and looking around. Today I started to suspect my feet! LOL I think I need to target all those DARK areas of this light carpet. Whatever...
  8. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    Thanks! I'll look into it. On my way to fabric store. Going to look for something like maybe felt. Something that will stick to velcro and does not reflect.
  9. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    Well, I bought a VAN!! Deal was too good to pass up on. $1500 for a 1999 Siena. Hoping, since it's so old, I can easily rotate passenger seat to really open up the space. So far I've: Disinfected EVERYTHING Bombed interior for odor Baking soda all night in carpet and vacuumed up today. Dish...
  10. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    Thanks guys for your suggestions. As far as technology goes. I want to commute a couple days a week. I'd stealth camp near work. So although I can plugin at home, I'll need to leave home and drive 60 miles to city near office. Then I'll need 12 hours overnight power for: -Heat for one person...
  11. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    BTW, for heating, do you really need heating for night time? Real camping (tents) dont use heaters. They sleep in sleeping bags designed for cold no? Would it be safe to just use sleeping bags? Heater would only be needed for cold days when out of bed right?
  12. H

    1st Build: Mini van with IT workspace & Bed

    For reasons I'll avoid getting into here, I need to setup a van to live in my backyard for 6-12 months in Northeast, where it might get 7 below for a short while, but I really just need to handle down to 40oF. I'll find places to stay if it gets colder. -I will be plugged into an extension cord...
  13. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    Hi everybody, Thanks so much for all your suggestions and help. Please note, I do have 1 excellent tenant who is paying and has been very helpful. He complains about all the noise and trash from the 2 that are not paying, but has a great attitude about it. So I would not want to do anything...
  14. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    From what I see and have been told, they are just leaching off the system. They are living in the most expensive part of town for free for over a year and they are home all day doing what I don't know, beyond smoking and leaving trash everywhere. I'm all for helping others, but my home is not a...
  15. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    Holy crap really? I'll look into that. AT that price, I'd take the trip for sure. I need to do something fast as my money is already running low. Next mortgage payment is super close to all the cash I have and my credit usage is exploding. Keep in mind I had no debt before this, so I'm being...
  16. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    Thank you so much, everybody for your suggestions.
  17. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    I like the idea of keeping it and renting later. That would justify higher cost of getting something really nice. Hmmm... Wonder what insurance looks like for something like that, that you are renting out.
  18. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    Hi, Believe it or not I got a huge discount. The mortgage should be closer to $9000, but the area I bought in, is going through massive gentrification. So I have prime real estate, but in an area that mostly looks like crap (unlike where I am). We are talking about over 4000 square feet. I...
  19. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    Thanks for tip. I'm going to try to meet with mayor and any other official I can. Will go to townhalls too. Also looking into media.
  20. H

    Squatters taken over my new home, need to backyard vanlife?

    Yes, its a mess and I have to understand it can get worst. Same as they make these laws, they can make them worst. Also, once I do move in, I lose a TON of power. Needing to move in, is the most power I can have. If I already live in my house, getting people out will be an even crazier...