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  1. D

    Settle down or hit the road?

    You're right!&nbsp; You're right, right, right!<br><br>I got quiet and still and did some gut-level thinking yesterday.&nbsp; What if the shoe was on the other foot, if I was gung-ho about marriage and my partner expressed concerns about being ready?&nbsp; No way, no WAY would I rush them.&nbsp...
  2. D

    Settle down or hit the road?

    Thanks for your replies.&nbsp; I will try the coin method of gut-checking! <br><br>I've done a lot of talking with my guy but am still as torn as ever.&nbsp; He knows my ambiguity, which is distressing to him, naturally.&nbsp; And I've fallen into a depression, which doesn't make anything easier...
  3. D

    Settle down or hit the road?

    I found this delightful forum when searching "fear of settling down".&nbsp; I'm really glad my search landed me here.&nbsp; I had no idea such a way of life was a "thing" and applaud you all for your courage to live from the deepest callings of your soul.&nbsp; It is an inspiration...
  4. D

    Feral Reading List

    Sorry to bring this old thread back up (newbie here, hi!)...but I wanted to add "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed.&nbsp; The author decides to leave her mainstream life behind, and her heroin addiction, to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. &nbsp; Her voice is wonderfully rough around the edges, her journey...