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    Off topic posts split from "How do u live on $700/month, truly?"

    I managed to live on about $500 a month in Mexico and Argentina but due to my elderly father needing knee replacement surgery I came back to live with him in mid 2021. He's almost 84 now and it looks like I'll be staying with him for at least a few years but no rent or utilities so still living...
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    Heating solutions

    Don't have a link, but search for Crua Culla Solo. Insulated sleeping pod that has airbeams instead of a bunch of poles for super easy set up. Would be perfect for winter weather in a van. Crua is just coming out with them.
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    Can I sleep at a truck stop ?

    I traveled for 8 months in a Honda Element.  In smaller towns or some ways outside of a larger city it wasn't a problem.  Some bigger cities it was.  I found Flying J to usually be the most accommodating with large parking lots.  For those not familiar trucks and cars are in separate areas.
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    Only have a Sedan. So what about a tent?

    If you do this be sure to get a canvas tent. Nylon tents get eaten up by UV rays. The mentioned Springbar and Kodiak tents are canvas and do well in wind. Keep in mind it's not always windy. The high winds you can experience are usually a weather front coming through. You might want to...
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    One of the worst places for that is Laredo.  Spent two days waiting there.  It's rare that my company doesn't find a run fairly quickly.  Did a short run this morning that paid me $87.50.  Got another one from South Texas to Mississippi that I'm picking up this evening that pays me $262.50. ...
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    No logbook, cdl, or DOT medical card(although some companies still require the medical card).  I found my job by using an all of Craigslist search engine.  Searches entire Craigslist from around the country.  This isn't for everyone.  Sometimes I drive all day then next run is overnight.  Can...
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    Thought I would tell you about a great travelling job.  I work for an expediter.  I drive a large Ram Promaster van all over the country delivering loads that are too big to send overnight but are too small and time sensitive to put on a tractor-trailer.  You really have to love driving but...
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    Best car to sleep in back with no modifications?

    The Honda Fit folds flush flat in back and the front passenger seat also folds down. By stuffing blankets around front seat you should be able to lie pretty comfortable stretched out. Get a good camping mattress or foam mattress for comfort. But I think I'd rather work with a Prius for the...
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    Just moved into my van. Stuck in south Texas. Need advice

    From San Antonio the closest cooler area is around Ft.Davis, TX, a little south of I-10. Check out Bob's video about NM state parks. Very affordable and you can stay in higher elevation parks during the summer. Probably the best state park situation for living in the country. Colorado is...
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    Safety Question

    I've never understood why some feel they must have quick access to the driver's seat to get away. If a psycho with a weapon is outside he's not going to stand around while you make your way to the front. It's an illusion of safety but in reality if someone wants to do you harm you're in a...
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    Crua Cocoon

    Been awhile since I posted here but I saw this insulated tent that looks like it would be good for staying warm.  Don't have the link but it's called the Crua Cocoon.  Company is Crua Outdoors out of Ireland.  Has an airframe that you can quickly pump up.  Looks like it would fit well in a...
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    Road Trip- Need advice from Southwest peeps

    How many dogs? Get two rooms. If they're all in crates I doubt they'd object. I wouldn't even tell them, just take them into the rooms in the crates. Take a couple out at a time to do their business. I have two mid-size dogs. I don't tell the front desk clerk about them, never have a...
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    Road Trip- Need advice from Southwest peeps

    If it'll make it easier Motel 6 allows dogs and they're just about in every town of any size on the interstate.
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    Soon Retired

    This is a unique group, wish I could participate more. Life sometimes becomes very interesting. Recently reconnected on Facebook with a lady I knew in college. We got to talking, things have gone great, and we're now talking marriage and moving to Mexico. And I must have been pretty stupid...
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    Saw Priuses all over Texas and never heard about problems. Consumer Reports rates the Prius as one of the most reliable cars on the road. I'm a native Floridian by the way.
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    Happy to be a Solo :-)

    I don't mind being around people but am content with being alone, even in a crowd. I go to the movies alone, which is easy, eat at restaurants alone, great as long as I have something to read, live alone, no problem as long as I have my dogs. Totally different from when I was in my 20's with...
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    Shower & empty tanks for $5.00

    Once read on the Sportsmobile Yahoo Group that extra large wet wipes heated for a bit in a microwave do a great job of cleaning you.
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    Honda element camper!

    I recently contacted Ursa Minor Vehicles, the maker of the top on the Element e-camper. They also recently started doing a top for the 4 door Jeep Wrangler. Asked if they have plans for any other models and just got back a reply that by 2014 they plan to have a top for the new Ford Transit...
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    Popup Tent

    Be sure to only use it at night or on very cloudy days. Prolonged use in sunlight degrades nylon and polyester quickly. If you want a tent that lasts get a canvas tent. Costs more but will last many years, decades with proper care. Two good options for easy use are Springbar and Oztent.