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  1. G

    Where are you living at right now.

    New member still planning to make the jump. Am in eastern South Carolina still working my sales job trying to save up. Rain today and tomorrow, 80 days mid 70 at night. Am at 12ft above sea level, edge of swamp at end of our street. Still living in my 20'x 15' studio apt.
  2. G

    Preparing to make the jump

    Thank you all for the suggestions. Just a thought , figured I get most honest reply from those who have been doing this for a while.
  3. G

    Preparing to make the jump

    Hi, new sub here. Am preparing to make the jump to living on road. I've watched a lot of videos of people living and working on road full time. Am curious about types of work for those that dont have a current job that you can do remotely on road. Was curious, for the ladies that work from...